Chapter 7 - Liam

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Once I was in the cart and it slowly began moving, I suddenly remembered that my family was still at the castle. I decided to pull out my pocket journal and write a note. 

Family and Eleanor,

I have decided to depart back to Livonia with the soldiers from this kingdom. I must protect the castle, even if it risks my life. I will send a letter your way as soon as I reach a town. 


I tossed it out and saw it fall onto a nearby marble bench. The cart then began moving quicker and soon enough, the castle was getting farther and farther away.

We must've been riding for hours before I noticed my hunger. I hadn't eaten breakfast that morning and my stomach was growling. I reached into one of the nearby bags in search of food and found an apple. I ate it and put the core back in the bag with the other rations. 

I peeked outside my hiding spot and it was nearly dark. I could see a few of the soldiers headed to a nearby establishment, laughing and chatting with each other. I really miss Amethyst. I didn't even say goodbye. The cart suddenly began moving again, this time going downhill getting faster and faster. I saw the soldiers turn and look and begin running after the cart. 

I finally realize what's happening and my brain begins to panic. I see the soldiers stopping, meaning I'm near the bottom of the hill. I decide to brace myself for the impact, awaiting the pain. I feel the cart turn and crash, causing me to come tumbling out of the back into a pile of nearby bushes. I look at my hand and see a massive cut that's bleeding. I glance over my arms, legs, and other hand, scanning for any other injuries. I place my stable hand on the back of my neck and run it up over my head and back a few times. No blood.

The soldiers are pulling the cart up the hill when I see a woman walking towards me. She stops in front of the bushes and seems confused.

"What is a prince doing in this province?", she inquires. I debate on whether or not to tell her but I do in the end. 

I give her a brief explanation before asking if she could mend my hand. 

"Oh! Of course! Here,", she reached out her hand and I took it. "My home isn't far from here, three or four blocks. Can you walk?".

"I think so.", I said, slowly letting go of her hand. "Yeah, I can."

"Good, I can't fix broken bones.", she said, letting out a small laugh. 

We walked for around ten minutes until we arrived at her house. "Here we are, come in, come in."

She sat me down in a chair next to a table covered in medical supplies. "This could hurt but please try not to move.", she said as she placed a cold, damp cloth on the cut. I winced. "Sorry, sir."

"Don't be sorry, you're trying to help me.", I replied, trying not to look at my hand.

After the bleeding had stopped, she stitched up the cut and wrapped it in gauze and bandages. "You're going to want to unwrap and check on it frequently to make sure it won't get infected."

"Wow, you did a really good job with this."

"I used to be a medic in the Livonian kingdom you know.", she said after a minute, showing a small smile on her face.

"Really? I don't remember you."

"I got let go shortly before you were born."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

There was a long pause before she spoke again.

"So if you don't want to be recognized, you need different clothes. The clothes you are wearing right now are too nice to be a commoner's clothing.

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