The sea

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Armin POV

i always loved the ocean my mom and dad used to bring me there all the time, there were many rumors that me along with my parent might have been mar-people on land, but once they were found dead bye the sea i heard rumors that they were killed by mer-people for impersonating them, i always wanted to know what it was like swimming in the ocean with a tail like that, not having to go back up for air, there would be so much to explore, so sometimes i sneak out at night to see the water under the moonlight it was so beautiful shining on the water, i went to mu usual spot near the cliffside castle he were staying at, under the cliff was a little cave like area where you could see the ocean in all it's beauty but today it was different, there was a girl a seemingly short, blond haired blue eyed girl sitting there, i think her legs were in the water so i sat next to her taking my boots off and rolling up my pants so i could put my feet in also, ill admit she was pretty 

" hi there im armin, do you come here often too " i said in the calm silence

" yea usually in the mornings though im pretty sure ive seen you around once or twice" she said 

" oh and my name is annie, annie leonhart " annie said again

" the moon is pretty right" i said looking up to it

" yes it is, i hardly ever get to see it though" annie said, i turned to see her looking down again

" really how come, if you want you com again and we can talk again to" i said inviting her

" ha are you asking me a mermaid on a date" annie said

" no im just trying to not be alone the next night" i said, oh wait a second

" wait hold on did you just say you were a-" she cut me off

" yea im a mermaid i thought you could see" my eyes which were now better adjusted to the dark could see her beautiful sparkling tail shining in the light, it was a slightly lighter blue then her bright blue eyes it was beautiful and it matched her so much  

" so you just gonna gawk at my tail or?" she asked

" o-oh s-sorry i just never saw a mermaid before, let alone have such a nice conversation with one, no one really talks to me since i like the ocean, you know " i said rubbing the back of my neck

" well i cant say ive done any of that with a human either " she retorted 

" hey if its not intruding can i ask you some things " i asked a little shy

" only if i can ask you stuff " she replyed

" oh of course that's only fair, so i wanted to know if like swimming to fast or i guess hard could hurt you back" i asked

"yea sometimes, does walking or whats it called running i think, does your back hurt to that" she asked rightfully in doing so

" um well it depend, i take a small run or walk every morning, so for me no, but for someone who isnt used to it maybe" i said

" what's cloths like " she said

" o-oh um, now you got me thinking ever mer-person is naked, uh well when i'm sweaty usually from the runs it can get uncomfy and stick to your skin and feel weird, on the other hand cloths like pajamas, the ones you sleep in ar every comfy and nice" i said regaining my self

" do you mer-people where kinds of clothing or no? " i asked not daring to turn around 

" well the women cover their breasts with you know the classic shells, seaweed, but royalty have 2 to 4 extra fins that act as accessories like a that green thing you humans wear, men dont wear anything " she finished off 

Armin X Annie (Mermaid AU)Where stories live. Discover now