Their first day

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Annie's POV

" so, . . . " i said

" so? " he replied 

"  . . . were you waiting for me long?" i asked with a bit of a flirty tone

" no i only came here a few minutes ago, do you want help up? " he gestured his hands out to pick me up 

Armin's POV

" no i got it " she said as she was visibly struggling to get up

" are you sure, or do you doubt my strength to hold you " i said a little snarkily

" maybe" she said straight forward

" here " i replied grabbing her from under her arms 

her tail had curled and flicked up and then out again so i could put her on my lap, she seemed well, not okay but i feel like asking might be worse so i just wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest and lean my head onto hers and she seems much better 


i hear footsteps

i look over and i saw marco, he looked like he just swam, soaked 

" what are you doing at mer peak " he asked me

" i come here often you? " i said as well as asking him the same

" well uh, oh wait is that a-" i cut him off

" a mermaid yea there a problem " i said plainly 

" well i guess it doesn't matter if i tell you or not huh " he said, what does he mean by that

" i'm a mer-person also, i have both a human form and a mer form, but don't tell anyone, especially not jean " he said

" i am too your point " annie butted in, i almost for got she was here

" i- * sigh* okay so you both can be human and mer-person right " i said

" right . " they said in unison 

" so why haven't you said so " i said towards annie

" i could've brought you some clothes and introduced you to everyone" i continued

" cause i don't know how to walk, or put on clothes for that matter" she answered back

" mmm your right but why not try right " i said 

" should i tell him, j-jean i mean" marco added

he was playing with his hands while looking away blushing

" actually i have an idea -"

The next day marco had came up to jean right before lunch started, just like i told him too, he took him down to the ledge we were at before to find me and annie sitting there, take note we got annie some clothes, showed how to put them on, but she was only sitting so she didn't need to walk

" so is this who you've been distracted wi-" jean was cut off

" we have something to show you jean, um, please don't be mad " marco said

annie slipped into the water, and marco jumped in to, and a swarm of light filled bubbles and soon their tails were visible and you could see their ears change too, marcos tail was a light tan color with some of his scales being dark brown to match the freckles on his face, jeans face seemed more mesmerized rather then scared

" a-are you mad j-jean" marco asked scared 

" god you just keep getting better marco" jean said breathless, i don't think he realized what he said tho

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