A little Suspicious

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Armin's POV 

i had woken up from someone knocking at my door, wait a minute

" COME ON ARMIN WAKE UP, WE GOTTA GO " i heard eren yell from my door

of course i was, anyways skipping the boring part i, panicked, got ready, i was late, got yelled at, and now we are at lunch and im thinking of annie, damn i missed her lips, okay okay i get ive just met her and all but, i just wanna kiss her again and you know t-touch her i guess more like im miss her, is this what a simp is that this eren calls jean for liking mikasa whatever

" so who are you thinking of armin " jean said smirking and nudging my side

" i uh oh wha-what? " i stuttered out like an idiot, damn it know the'll know i gotta say something . . . oh! i got it

" i was just thinking of what a dream family of mine would look like after the war " i said quite confidently a family would be nice after all

" so what kind of person you thinking of " he responded, um uh think

" donno i forgot " i said, oh sh- no. no cursing armin. ugh but thats so-

" huh oh sorry go back to that then " jean said, well more like interrupted, hm? looks like he's thinking of that now too probably with mikasa 

heyo so uh ima bring in other ships here like jeanmarco, reibert, and maybe ereri idk if y'all ship that so im not sure but here comes some jeanmarco

Jean'S POV

i wonder would gay marriage be allowed i don't know, but i'd really like to marry that boy, marco he's my freckled savior, but i'm too scared to say anything, maybe if i continue to try and get with mikasa my feeling will go away, i hope, god armin why did you make me think about it damn it i'm blushing aren't i shit- he so cute tho and his smile, maybe we can give a orphan a home and maybe get fris- okay that's to much jean at least respect him in your head 

Marco'S POV

my bestie is blushing again probably thinking of mika 

' breath in, breath out '

i hope jean will be happy if she dates him, i wonder jean is a pretty handsome guy, hmmm, ill ask armin later for advice to ask him out, im mean who knows am i right, ooh maybe ill tease him since he's adorable when he blushes 

Annie's POV

i swam back to my coral rife home it was part of a small village of them leading up to a very large piece this was we're the king and queen live, i don't really know when its day or night the water doesn't change much since we are so far down in a reiven i've decided to tell my bestie of what happened with that boy, Armin, i cant wait

" Hey Hitch " i called out waving to her

" heyo whats up, wanna talk over some deeps salted krill fish " she asked

of course i agreed its my favorite food after all and we talked for a really long time and i told her about armin, she approved and ill be able to see hi in a bit too 

" okay hitch its about time i head up for me and armins date see ya later " i said waving goodbye to my friend 

i swam up to the just soo lit night sky just to see armin sitting there waiting for me

" hey" 


heyo sup everyone its good to see you at the end of chapy two huh? well anyways i wanted to say that i might post weather ships i should include in this, also to clarify reiner and bert are still merpeople on land annie just isn't included, and yes since eren is a shifter he can and later on will turn into a mermaid, so can ymir, i'm also going to add a little hint surprise later, but for now the fully determined ships that will be used right now are:

Jean X Marco, Armin X Annie, and Ymir X Krista/Historia right now its krista :>


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