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today the nature surrounded me.
doves, crows, nightingales, and pigeons.
all found a place to rest right next to me.
they chirped among each other
in a language i was strangely aware of,
they may be questions, directions, or discoveries.
today the air that surrounded me was fresh, and the sun did not burn my skin.
the sky was blue and it felt greatly comforting.
some birds left, some stayed behind.
they silently sat on the balcony, basking in the sun, just like i was.
it made me feel accompanied, though i was not lonely.
they were a pleasant and silent company.
and i felt one with the nature for the first time.
i've felt this before, but today i write about it.
because these things get unnoticed when actually they can change so much inside of you.
today i was embraced by the sunlight, it was kind enough to be a little easy today.
i saw a crow that found a worm, surely a feast tonight!
some birds are patrolling the sky in clusters
and i'm amazed at the synchronicity.
the silence is filled with chirps
and the occasional hum of the airplanes that fly overhead every now and then.
today, i found a reason to smile and a place of comfort.

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