And he saw his face.

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Levi Ackerman was always a man of few words, and those who have heard him speak can say that his few words are mostly profanity, insults and very rarely happy. Levi took joy in simple things like tea and cleaning and right now he was on a mission. A mission that involved going to Walmart. It had started as a simple day, his very close friend Erwin Smith, and to his "annoyance", Zoe Hanji.

Levi was pulled out a trance while making his mint tea as he heard a knock on his door. Levi lived in a simple studio apartment that was quiet spacious for his display case of rare tea leafs he has collected over the years. A few rare photos of his mother and a surprising amount of photos of him with his two previously mentioned friends. The space was clean to the point of perfection. Some would claim you could see a shine to it but Levi would argue that it's not clean enough! "Oi! I'm coming! Don't scuff up my door shitty glasses!" Levi yelled.

In Levi's agitation he could hear the muffled laughter of Erwin through the door and Hanji's whine. "But Leviiiiiiii! How do you know it was me? It could've been Erwin!" Hanji yelled through the door. Levi rolled his eyes and quickly walked to the door hoping his neighbor wouldn't be bothered by the noise. Once he opened the door he grabbed Hanji by their collar. "Quit your yapping! I'm not the only person in this building so shut your shitty mouth!" Levi hissed . "Awe, little Levi has such a petty mouth!" Hanji gushed. "Hanji, stop antagonizing Levi." Erwin scolded lightly.

Levi could tell Erwin didn't really mean it. Erwin always had this way with Hanji where somehow his scolding sounded more enabling then anything and it kinda pissed Levi off to an extant. "Ah, I see you've made tea Levi. What flavor is it those time?" Erwin asked. "Just a basic mint as per usual. I actually managed to get Thai High Mountain Oolong tea! It was so difficult to get but now I finally have it! I bought a special display case just for it!" Levi paused and blushed realizing he was bouncing on the balls of his feat while he gushed about his tea leaf collection. "Awe! Levi is so excited about his tea Erwin! Now I feel like the tea bags I got him aren't even that good!" Hanji said with a smirk. Levi visibly perked up.

Levi noted that the tea bags were of Grey Earl Tea. "Give me the tea... p-please." Levi muttered. Hanji smiled and gave it to him. "Levi." Erwin said with a smile. "Hanji and I were just passing by. Hanji actually has to go prepare for her presentation hallucigenia and how they are the root of human life. Hanji insited we stop to give you you're tea though. She still feels bad about accidentally destroying you're Vintage Earl Grey tea from England. She bided on this for you." Erwin smirked at Hanjis embarrassed expression. Levi thanked Hanji and poured them and Erwin some mint tea.

"What are your plans for today, Levi?" Hanji asked. "...Lately my apartment hasn't been clean enough. It seems like these cleaning products are turning to shit! I'm going to Walmart later to find better products that won't scuff up my wooden floors and ruin the smell." Levi took a quick sip of his tea while glaring at the wooden floor. "To make matters worse, the chemicals make my apartment smell bad and that ruins the quality of taste within my tea!" Levi was genuinely enraged at the thought of tea being ruined. "You're home looks perfect Levi, maybe you're just putting too much weight on your cleaning." Hanji said in an exasperated tone. "You're house is messy all the damn time! I don't wanna here you criticize my cleaning choices." Levi hissed like an angry cat. Erwin grinned a bit at the thought of Levi as a little tiny black kitten. "What's so funny, shitty eyebrows?" Levi growled. "Haha, nothing. Come on Hanji, let's leave Levi to his tea and cleaning products." Erwin grabbed Hanji. "Bye Levi!" Hanji yelled as they walked through the door. Levi rolled his eyes and waved then closed his door. Levi grabbed his black leather satchel with his wallet, keys and notepad paper with a list of new products he was recommended to buy and embarked on his journey.

If there is one thing Levi hates more than loud noises, it would be loud, cramped spaces. Like public transit. As Levi stood on he bus, with his gloves on of course, holding the railing he allowed himself to zone out. He fantasized about the many flavors of tea and his favorite brand of mops and sponges. "Maybe I'll even get a new feather duster with triple the feathers..." Levi allowed himself to smile lightly at the thought, then suddenly he was at his stop. Levi got off the bus and then quickly walked into the store. Walmart was always a weird place for Levi.

He loved the vast collection of cleaning products and didn't particularly hate the entertainment center but he hated the produce and meat section. He always preferred Whole Foods and Kroger's when it came to decent healthy food. Levi quickly walked hoping to avoid a cashier who couldn't take a hint. Her name is Petra and Levi can acknowledge that she is a sweet girl but she is so young and full of life. Levi doesn't really want someone so much younger than him. Besides, that young man Oluo Bozado likes her a lot. Levi quickened his pace as he approached his favorite spot in the store. The cleaning section.

Once inside Levi felt all of his anxieties fade away. "Oxi clean is okay... but it's foaming bubbles are so... weak." Levi mumbled. "Pinesol is always nice and the finished scent doesn't bother me too much... but it's just not as strong as it use to be since they changed the original formula." Levi's mumbling a were cut short when his eyes reached the top shelf. "Mr. Clean Magic Eraser?" Levi scrunched up his face. "It's just a sponge. It can't be that good." Levi huffed. "Mr. Clean Multi Surface cleaner?" Levi found himself looking at all the products of this newly found brand. Levi, standing at 5'2 did not want to ask for help. It was agitating and aggravating to see those condescending smiles.

Levi stood on his tiptoes trying his best to reach but he just couldn't reach the top. Then suddenly, a perfectly manicured hand reached above him. The hand, it seemed to sparkle with a cleanliness that made Levi's hard pulse in a way that he never knew before. Levi quickly turned around to see a perfectly white, non wrinkled T-shirt. It was stainless... true clean perfection. Levi felt himself feel somewhat embarrassed that his face barely reached the strangers chest... then he looked up, and he saw his face.

Captain Levi finds love in the cleaning isle at Walmart.Where stories live. Discover now