"Would you like me to demostrate, levi?"

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"Oi... can't you see I'm standing here!" Levi hissed. Levi looked up to me strange unnaturally blue eyes. The tall man before him stood at 6 feet tall with no hair. The baldness suited him though. His skin held a sparkle to it that seemed impossible and his smile, was soft and not at all intimidating. "W-wait a second..." Levi looked at the man then at the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. "You're Mr. Clean?" Levi was in a near state of shock. "You looked like you needed some help reaching that, and yes... I am Mr. Clean. I heard your comment about the pinesol... such an astute observation Mr...?" "Levi! Ackerman... I'm Levi Ackerman." Levi blushed. He was normally so in tune with his emotions. "Well, Mr. Ackerman. I've never met someone with such strong opinions about cleaning products."  Mr Clean handed Levi the Magic Eraser with a playful smirk. "Yeah... cleanliness is the only way I can feel comfortable... I was looking for a new brand to switch too and I as yours and well- I just... feel unsatisfied with my current products and thought maybe yours could suffice. I didn't think that I'd meet you though." Levi found himself nearly tugging at his scarf as he normally would his cravat. "Well, why don't I help you pick out some of my best products. I mean, anything for a customer." Mr. Clean gave Levi a wink that almost came off as flirtatious. Levi nearly blushed but caught himself.

"Tch! I'm sure you have something more important to do." Levi said with a defiant glint in his eyes. "Actually, I don't.  I'm on a break right now and thought I'd pop by the store, grab some supplies and maybe stop at that new Tea shop off of Grant avenue." Levi couldn't help but perk up. "New tea shop off of grant?" Mr. clean smirked inwardly. "If you let me help you pick out some of my best products I'll treat you to as many cups of tea, tea leafs and tea bags you'd like." Levi knew he couldn't resist such an offer. Free EXPENSIVE Tea and he wouldn't even have to go out of pocket for it meaning he could save for this lovely antique tea set he's had his eye on. "Tch! Sure... whatever you pick better work though!" Levi crossed his arms around himself in a defensive manner.

"This Multi Surface cleaner you were looking at... it works on counter tops, stoves, wooden and tiled floors, bathroom floors, toilets, bathroom sinks, and the bathtub. If you use it with the Magical Eraser, it feels like heaven." Suddenly Levi sound his back pressed against the shelf as Mr clean went to grab the two mentioned products and out it in a cart.
"This deep cleaning mist right here is from my "Clean Freak" line. A true success and lovely formula. It's lightly scented too. It doesn't interfere when you are trying to eat or drink anything like regular bleach does with its toxic finish." Levi found himself unable to move as the taller man continued grabbing and listing proper cleaning products. Levi could feel Mr. Cleans warmth on his own slightly flushed skin. Mr clean without hesitation grabbed Levi's hands. "You're skin is surprisingly soft for a mans. Do you have sensitive skin? If you do... I'd suggest you use my brands rubber gloves. Even though we try to avoid chemicals it's still best for people with skin as soft as yours to protect yourself." Mr Clean said with a smile. "Each pack comes with four pairs unless you buy in bulk." Mr. Clean released Levi's hand then walked down the isle gesturing for Levi to follow.

"Do you have any pets, Mr. Ackerman? You strike me as a man who fancies cats." Levi looked up thinking of his tiny black cat with four tiny white paws. "I have a cat, I named her socks because of her paws. Why do you ask?" Levi said defensively. "What does he mean by "man who fancies cats? Does he think I'm like a crazy cat lady or something?" Levi quickly gathered his arsenal of insults just in case. "No need to get so Defensive Mr Ackerman. I just wanted to let you know all of our shelf products are now officially pet friendly. I know many people worry about these things and a little kitten like yours only deserves the best." Levi felt a bit embarrassed for becoming so defensive so fast. "The scent of the products are easy on humans but are they easy on animals too?" Levi asked while thinking of Socks little sneezes when he used Pineglow. "Yes, very easy on pets." Mr clean replied. "Our latest Febreze is safe and non toxic too." Levi felt like he was walking on air. "I wish shitty glasses and Erwin liked cleaning as much as I do." Levi picked up his pace noticing his companions pace pick up. "Mr Ackerman, my brand also dabbles in dish liquids and are working on laundry detergents." Levi perked up at the thought of that. The two spent two hours in the store speaking of every Mr Clean products they came across. Levi felt truly relaxed and avoided thinking about his "filthy" home.

"Well, it looks like it is tea time." Mr clean said as the two walked out of the store. Levi found himself vibrating with excitement when he saw a perfectly white car with no stains on it. Levi felt elated when his skin touched the perfectly clean leather seats. Not a single stain or crumb in sight. "So sterol. So clean... so safe." Levi mumbled out the last part almost as if he were in a trance. "Cleanliness is always a goal for me Mr. Ackerman." Levi felt his heart flutter as he thought of a world free of filth and grime.

The car ride was smooth. "I hate public transit. It's always so filthy and people have no concept of personal space." Levi said out loud while glancing out the passenger window. "As soon as I could I bought my own car to avoid that, but owning a car in this city can be a bit pointless with all the tragic and traveling by train is usually way faster." Mr. Clean replied. "I hate the train station. Too filthy and I can't stand being underground. It's so dark and suffocating." Levi nearly shuddered at the thought of it. "Ah so you're a man who fairs the bus then?" The shimmering man asked. Levi nodded in response. "Also, call me Levi." Mr. Clean smirked at the invitation.

The party of two pulled up to the tea shop. Soon they were seated in a comfortable corner away from curious onlookers. In Levi's hand he had Camomile Tea with a nice warm biscuit. Me clean sat across from him with cranberry tea. A small box of tea leafs and tea packets say neatly next to Levi. He carefully arranged them a few times until he felt satisfied. At times when things were not clean, and spotless, or organized Levi could not focus. He'd get this itchy feeling under his skin and suddenly he felt dirty. He hates that feeling... "So tell me Levi, is there someone expecting you back at home?" Mr. Clean asked. "No. Just my cat." Levi said curtly. "You don't have a special someone?" Mr. Clean inquired. "No! I mean... no I don't. Probably never will." Levi felt ashamed for allowing himself to get worked up over one question. "There never was anyone?" Mr. Clean continued only this time sounding more sympathetic. "There was someone but... they didn't want me back. They never will." Levi replied. Levi felt that crawling sensation on his skin. "I don't need him anyways. All I need is my cat, and my cleaning supplies and tea. Those things make me happy! Not him!" Levi started scratching himself unaware that he was starting to hyperventilate.

Levi felt two calloused hands gently grab his then Levi suddenly realized what he had done. "Damnit! Let me go!" Levi quickly stood up cussing himself to crash onto the floor. "Shit!" Levi felt even dirtier. Mr. Clean quickly came to Levi's aid. He left a stack of cash on the table and helped Levi get to the car with all his belongings. Once the two were seated in the car Mr. Clean turned on the AC. "Levi, cleaning has always been my passion and I do it because I love it. What do you think of that." Levi felt himself calm down. "I love cleaning. When I'm clean, nothing can hurt me, nothing can go wrong. When I'm clean I'm safe. Nothing bad happens to clean people. But when you're dirty, even just for a second everything becomes so wrong!" Levi's knuckles turned white.

"Levi, you've been cleaning for the wrong reasons." Mr Clean said in a deep voice. "How have I been cleaning for the wrong reasons?" Levi asked confused. "Would you like me to demonstrate, Levi?" Levi felt a blush creep on to his face. This whole situation was embarrassing. He had a meltdown in front of a man he hasn't even known for a full day and now his meaning for cleaning is being put into question. "Please teach me how to clean, the right way, Me clean." Levi whispered.

Captain Levi finds love in the cleaning isle at Walmart.Where stories live. Discover now