"I could go all night"

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Mr clean was surprised when he walked into Levi's home. "Is that entire China cabinet dedicated to rare Tea?" Mr. Clean asked as he carefully walked towards it. Levi nodded. Levi sat down on his leather black futon and me clean joined him. His long legs felt awkward as they came back into his own chest. The futon sat quite low but sense Levi is a... rather... vertically impaired man it would make sense that he wouldn't have a lot of high sitting furniture. "So Levi, when you clean are you trying to wash the filth off your home or are you trying to wash it off of yourself?" Mr. Clean asked. Levi glared at the man. "Is this some sort of trick question?" Levi wondered. "He's trying to make me vulnerable?" Levi felt the question, though he didn't completely understand was too invasive. "Levi, tell me what motivates you to clean? It is passion or it is fear?" Mr cleans presence suddenly felt heavy for Levi. The mans leg was pressed against his and those freakishly blue eyes shimmered with an unmatched intensity.

Levi suddenly felt like he couldn't keep his secrets anymore. Something about this strange man, maybe it was how clean he is. Maybe it's because of his genuine voice. Maybe even because of the tea! All Levi knew right now was that he didn't want to keep his secrets forever. "I clean because when I don't I find myself in that dark place again. When I was a kid my mother was very poor so she took a job as a night walker by the name of Olympia. It was a hard job but she loved me so much that she was willing to sell herself to keep me alive." Levi paused for a moment then continued. "We lived in a roach infested room with peeling wall paper. No matter how much I cleaned the filth always came back... the filth could be bugs, dust, trash or strange men looking for my mothers company.  I fucking hates them!" Levi felt a hot anger thinking of those men. "They'd always knock so loudly on the door demanding her! Not caring when she was sick or tired and not even caring when they saw her tending to me! Those bustards!" Levi could almost feel a rare tear creep into his eye.  "They didn't care about her at all. And when she got sick they stopped coming all together knowing that she wasn't "usable" anymore." Levi inhaled trying to keep his composure.

"One of those filthy bastards gave her the virus. She turned into a living corpse and I tried to care for her... but what can a ten year old boy with no education do? She ended up dying and I stayed in that room with her corpse for two weeks. Just me, my dead mother, piss, shit and bugs. I could feel the bugs on and under my skin. Crawling in my hair. I thought I was dead too." Levi started to scratch again but stopped when he felt gentle hands on him. "My uncle found me and I was on my last leg. I had to be hospitalized and my mothers body was cremated. After that I just couldn't stand filth! Every time things got filthy I could just smell rotting corpses and feel those disgusting insects on me. I tried making friends in high school and met Erwin and Hanji. They're great but they don't understand... and everything just keep feeling worse and worse and soon I became agoraphobic and couldn't leave my house for months." Levi felt ashamed of himself remembering those days. "I couldn't bare the thought of being filthy again and every table I touched, chair I sat even... filthy! I don't know how I managed to start going outside again. I don't know how I managed to keep my two only friends." Levi then brushed his fingers through his hair.

"Now I understand. Levi, let me show you how to clean properly. Grab the glass cleaner. I'm going to show you how to properly clean a window and I'm going to show you how beautiful cleaning can be without fear." Mr clean grabbed Levi's hand and soon the two were in front of Levi's large bay window. Mr clean grabbed the window cleaner and magi eraser and put them into Levi's hands. "I want you to give the window two gentle squirts. Then you move your hands in a gentle circular motion." Levi tried to follow his instructions but ended up scrubbing with a touch desperation. Levi stiffened when he felt me cleans chest press into his back. Mr clean gently placed his hand over Levi's and started to move in a gentle counterclockwise motion. "Must be soft and gentle with this, levi. You can't be to rough all the time or you'll never be able to truly take your time and... savor the moment." Levi blushed and failed to hide it. "I guess I've always been a rough man. I've never really savored anything... except for tea of course." Mr clean chucked. "Was that a joke Levi? I would have never took you for the humorous type." Levi made a little "Tch" noise that completely lacked its usual venom.

Levi felt Mr. Cleans other hand gently cup his stomach as the taller male pressed into Levi more while still being so gentle with his scrubbing techniques. "Levi, squirt more of that onto the window. We are hardly finished yet... unless you are tired already." Levi glared at Mr. Cleans reflection.

                       "I could go all night."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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