The First Stroke (Incomplete)

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After a terrible encounter last night, I realized how weak I was, how pathetic I was. So weak that I let someone hurt. I mean I knew, but I didn't know it was this bad, that's why I'm so mad with myself. For that reason, today I decided to enter a magic university. Entering in one opens a lot of opportunities, even if it's a low rate university, however even if that's the case, universities has high standards in different areas.

In Magic -

Magic Strength, the output of your magic and the damage it will deal to enemies.

Intelligence, the utilization and creativity of the usage of your magic.

Mana Manipulation, the amount of magic you can control.

Magic Combat, the usage of magic in physical combat. This will be judged more solely on your physicality and technique however.

Physically -

Strength, the strength of a person.

Speed, the ability to dodge and read an enemy.

Endurance, the amount of damage you can take before collapsing.

Instinct, the ability to think in critical situations.

I'll also have to learn more about Magic Genre. Magic Genre is just another term for different kinds of magic. It is categorized into two, which is Non-Combat MGs, and Combat MGs, however it doesn't mean that Non-Combat MGs can't be used for fighting, it means it's just more suited to non combat stuff, and vise versa.

There are many kinds of MG, but the most basic and most well known with Water, Fire, Earth, and Air and possibly Ice and Lightning magic, are in the Elemental Genre.

The rarer ones are Dark, Light, Heal and Blood which are within the Twisted Genre.

Math, Arts, Music, Alchemy, are in the Creation Genre.

Reinforcement, Enchantment, Summoning and Trickery are put in the Battle Genre.

Same magic can be in 2 genres as well, like Lightning magic can be in Elemental and Destruction Genres. It should also be considered that all magicians can have more than one magic, it's just that the one they are attributed with are most likely to be their main magic. For example, I can do fire magic but only for simple stuff like Candle Light, which is something I use as a light source.

Everyone in this world are magicians, as all life possess mana. A universal essence that runs throughout every being in the infinite cosmos. A magician is a person that can manipulate it, control it, and use it to it's will, and I'm pretty sure everyone in Planet Reactra is able to do so.

Now, for the university, I'll be going to Farxone University, the lowest rated one and the cheapest university in the kingdom and is said to accept anyone, but I still can't underestimate it.

I'm pretty nervous actually, but if I don't enter, nothing in my life will change.

"Next." The instructor calls out.

This is it. The first stroke.

"Tell me your name and magic attribute."

"My name is Ace Klee and my attribute is Arts."

"What exam are you taking in?"


He then looks at me weird. I know I know please get to it already.

"Are you sure about that?" He asks condescendingly.


He waves his hand and the guards open the gate to the battlefield.

There, 4 other magicians were in queue waiting in the seating area. I was the last to enter for this session.

We will be battling a common magic beast called Gardigger, a boar like creature that can charge with it it's sharp tusks and can use basic Earth Magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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