01| Quidditch World Cup

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"Cedric! Wait up, you know you're faster than me you twat!" Cedric laughed as his sister called out for him, not slowing down one bit just to annoy her

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"Cedric! Wait up, you know you're faster than me you twat!" Cedric laughed as his sister called out for him, not slowing down one bit just to annoy her. "Aurora! Language!"

"Sorry, Dad!"

"C'mon Aurora. Keep up," Cedric laughed, finally stopping in front of one of the many large trees. "You wanker," Aurora whispered, slightly out of breath as she came to a stop next to him. "What are you doing now?"

"Climbing," Cedric replied simply. "Race you to the top, yeah." Aurora smirked, walking closer and beginning to pull herself up. Cedric may be faster, but she definitely excelled when it came to upper body strength. "How are you all the way up there already? I started climbing before you."

"I'm just talented like that," Aurora retaliated, flipping her hair back cockily. They kept climbing before both siblings stopped together. Aurora stood on a sturdy branch, balancing herself as one hand held onto the branch above her.

She took a deep breath, taking in her surroundings. It was still early in the morning, the sun barely rising as streaks of light ran through the gaps in the trees. The colors of brown and dark green all around them.

Aurora was snapped out of her daze when she heard the voice of her father call out, "Arthur! It's about time son." She looked down, her view slightly blocked by the branches of the trees. "Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the ministry."

Aurora looked to Cedric, the two sharing a look before the boy jumped down, Aurora following. "And this strapping young lad must be Cedric, am I right?" Cedric nodded, shaking Mr.Weasley's hand, "Yes, sir."

"And this lovely young lady must be Aurora." Aurora smiled, sticking her hand out to shake the mans hand before giving the same response Cedric had. "Yes, sir."

Aurora looked behind him, immediately recognizing everyone who stood there. She spotted the Weasley twins, which immediately brought a smile to her face. She thought they were the funniest people she's ever met. She spotted Ron, and Harry, who were shyly looking at the girl.

She gave them a small wave, both boys blushing as they awkwardly waved back. She looked away, her eyes now on the two girls of the group. The two younger girls were already staring at her. Well her and Cedric, who stood by her side.

She smiled at them, turning around as the group began to walk. Not noticing how the girls turned to each other and smiled. She took off one strap of her backpack, so that the bag hung at her side. She opened it, pulling out a Pumpkin Pastie she had packed in the morning.

She held it in her hands, splitting it in half before handing it to Cedric who took it gratefully. She began eating her half, fixing her backpack so both straps rested on her shoulders comfortably.


After a long walk, the group arrived at a small hill. An old boot resting at the top. Aurora walked towards it, making sure to stay next to her brother. They kneeled around it, Aurora placing her right hand on it, while her left grabbed one of the straps of her backpack.

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