02| Back to Hogwarts

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Aurora walked down the isles of the train, hoping to find and empty compartment for herself, Andrea, and Hannah

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Aurora walked down the isles of the train, hoping to find and empty compartment for herself, Andrea, and Hannah. Cedric had left not long ago, opting to sit with some of his older friends despite the invite from the three younger girls to sit with them.

Finally finding an empty one Aurora slid the door open, moving aside to allow the two girls to enter. "You two want anything from the trolley? It's on me," Aurora asked, receiving a shake of the head from Hannah, and an excited nod from Andrea.

"Ooh, get me a licorice wand. No, two licorice wands, and a chocolate frog. No, no wait, one licorice wand, a chocolate frog, and a pumpkin pastie," Andrea rambled on, her eyes lighting up in excitement. "Alright, alright," Aurora chuckled, sliding open the compartment door, "Might as well buy you one of everything there is."

"Oh, hello Cho," Aurora greeted as she almost crashed into the girl who seemed to be heading back to her own compartment. "Hi, Aurora," the girl greeted back, a genuine smile on her face at the sight of the Hufflepuff. "Hello, girls."

"Hi, Aurora," both of the Ravenclaw girls who stood by Cho side greeted, their smile bright and a slight dreamy look in their eyes. Aurora smiled back at them, awkwardly coughing and looking away as the girls stared. "So um, how was your summer?"

"It was great. Yours?"

"It was alright, spent a lot of time with Cedric playing quidditch. Well, I'll let you go now. See you later, Cho." The Ravenclaw gave her one final smile before leaving, the other girls quickly following. "Hi, can I get four licorice wands, two chocolate frogs, and three pumpkin pasties please."

Aurora smiled at the trolley lady as she was handed her things one by one, holding all the items in one hand as the other handed her money to the women. As she moved to make her way back into her own compartment she caught a glimpse of a familiar face in the compartment next to hers.

She walked towards the open door, immediately putting a polite smile on her face. "Hello," she greeted, slightly startling the younger teens who had not noticed her presence. The two boys immediately straightened themselves up, awkward smiles taking over their faces as their cheeks flushed pink. "Hi," they both responded.

Aurora's attention was immediately captured by Hermione, who shot her a small smile and wave. "Hi," she greeted once again, this time her words only directed at the younger girl. "Hi," Hermione responded, her cheeks flushing red as she tried to contain the growing smile on her face.

"Uh, just wanted to see how you lot were doing, you know. Didn't really get the chance to talk after what happened," Aurora asked, receiving mumbles of 'Yeah, we're fine' from the two boys. "What about you? I wanted to check up on you after, but like I said before I really didn't get a chance to," she spoke, her words directed only at Hermione as she smiled softly at the girl.

"Oh, yes, I'm fine. I was just a bit shaken up, but I'm okay now. I'm really thankful that you were there, honestly I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up."

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