CONTEST 6: Winners & Featured poem

65 7 5

Picture #1: iriswinter - Some poetry

Picture #2: divinedices - Walking on the stars

Picture #3: Inanosuke_Inazo - A poem about a picture

Try writing outside the obvious next time and thanks for joining ☑️👍👍👍😊

( Note!: Winners are chosen according to how much the poem relates to the picture!!... That includes all the details ...)

If only one person writes on a given picture.... He/she/they would be ranked as the winner by default..

Congratulations to the winners!!...  And thanks to all who participated!

You'll probably win the next one!!.... And I can't wait to read you books again.  You guys were great!!

Try again and be a winner.

Thanks for participating ❤❤



One poet will be featured every week from the participants (not only winners)

One poet will be featured every week from the participants (not only winners)

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Poems by johnnyisafruitcake

Lovely poem for picture 3☑️...

JUVI: Weekly Poetry Contest 2021 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now