Contest 8: WINNERS & Featured Poems

72 11 24

THEME #1:  Inanosuke_Inazo - All of my Poems

THEME #2: fly2live - Soliloquy

( Note!)
There'll be only one Winner if the entries under a particular theme are not up to 10.

And featured poems can only be the short poems, I usually just pick any random one I like🙃🚬

Congratulations to the winners!!... And thanks to all who participated!

You'll probably win the next one!!.... And I can't wait to read you books again. You guys were great!!

Try again and be a winner.

Thanks for participating ❤❤


So... This is our featured poem for this week, yay!!

 This is our featured poem for this week, yay!!

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All of my poems by  Inanosuke_Inazo

JUVI: Weekly Poetry Contest 2021 [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now