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{my room}

“What about Annie? She’s pretty.” Henry just rolled his eyes and continued to draw.

 “A little to the left, please.”

 I tilted my head slightly to the left.

 “My left.”

 “Oh. So. Anyways, why not Opal? I mean she’s-“

 “Smooth out your skirt, it’s not catching the light right.”

 “This wooly mess?” I pointed to the uniform skirt and made a face like it smelled.

 “Yes, actually.”

 “Well damn, if I’d known you wanted it to catch light, I’d have ironed it before came over.”

 Henry sighed.

 “Just come here.”

 I slid down next to him on Lulu’s sleeping bag. Augie said they’d be back with crisps and extra cigarettes an hour ago.

 Henry shoved the sketchpad onto my lap.

I looked.

 The drawing was a better representation of me than any photograph- I was wearing Lou’s old leather jacket over my uniform and looked more serous than I felt. My red hair had grown out in such a way that it hung wildly around my shoulders. I was holding a cigarette.

The light really did catch on my skirt nicely.

“Do you like it?” Henry’s face was a bit colored.

 “I love it.”

 “Really?” he looked at his work over my shoulder, so close that our cheeks were almost touching.

I couldn’t help myself from noticing.

A/N dedicated to Rachel because she said I needed longer chapters!

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