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EDITED: 03/09/2021 or 3rd September 2021

EDITED #2: 18/08/2022 or 18th August 2022



    You dive behind the overthrown table, successfully dodging the spell. The red stream of magic collides with the stone wall of the classroom, creating a small hole with rising smoke. Your face turns pale. That could've been your face. Your beautifully ugly face.

    "This is getting out of hand." You murmur, fingers curled tightly onto your wand. You chance a look, peering over the side of your temporary fortress.

    You were almost hit with a stray beam of a hex.

    "I think I better stay here..." Your wide eyes tremble as a drop of sweat go down the side of your pale face. In your peripherals, you spot something blue flying around amidst the spells. You blanch.

    "Is-is that... Are those... C-cornish pixies?" You gape at the sight of the little blue devil, a large grin stretch across its creepy little face as it swings around a stolen wand, throwing hexes at the students.

    A Ravenclaw beside you follows your sight, a drop of nervous sweat on his already sweaty face. "I think things just got worse..." He murmurs.

    Amidst the colourful war of charms and hexes, the two of you let out an exasperated sigh, thinking about how you came to be in this mess, heck how you came to be in this godforsaken school!



    Her eyes stared down the huge pair of sapphire blue irises. The owner of said eyes let out a low animalistic growl, stalking closer to her stilled form. Timidly, the girl reached out a tan hand towards its furry face, stroking it slightly. The black werewolf let out a pleasurable sigh, leaning towards her touch. In Riana's subconscious, a low husky growl resonated in her mind.


    You let out a dreamy sigh, hands pausing on the keyboard. Oh, how you wish to have a werewolf boyfriend. But alas, they don't exist. The only beings walking the Earth that is marriable are pathetic humans.

    This is your hobby; writing stories to share with the world. As a writer, a student, and a daughter, you have to divide your time wisely. It was stressful at first, but in time, you take joy in your busy schedule.

    "(Y/n), lunch is ready!" Your mother's voice resonated from downstairs. After popping your sore joints and drafting your story, you headed down for a much-needed lunch with your family.

    As you climbed down the stairs of your home, your eyes drifted past the window at the end of the staircase.

    A group of fifteen-year-old teenagers were huddled together, laughing about who knows what. They were your classmates.

    'Why are they gathered together? I wasn't notified about any meeting...' Though it wasn't such a big surprise. You never did fit in with them. You were the freak of the class; all because of that incident.

    You shook your head, chasing away the awful memories. Carefully, you fixed your hurtful expression into a small smile, making your way into the dining room where the rest of your family are already seated.

Wizardess Heart (One Piece X Reader) Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now