1. How I Met You

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WICKED is down.

The Last City is falling to the Rebellion hand only in few hours. Their greediness finally destroyed them. In between the chaotic lead by rage and hatred, a small group was picking up the cranck that still can be saved. Unbeknownst to WICKED, in far south mountain, there's another bunch of scientists who already found the cure from few immune, with more humanity way to extract their blood.
And now they administer the cure to the newly infected human in order to save them. The cure so far works very well.

"Hey, Mads, up here!" A young man shouted from a bridge to a girl down the road. He waved his hand to get her attention.

"Right up, Doe!" She shouted back, running up to the staircase right to where Doe's waiting for her

"But this one too damage, Mads, I'm not sure if the cure can handle him" Doe added

"I'll check on him first. You can continue, Doe, I'll be okay here" she assured her friend, and watch him leave to catch up the other Lazarus. She shifted her attention to a sprawled body in front of her, obviously he is in a bad state. His blond hair is sticky with dry blood, pale face with black blood all over his face. And she take a look closer to his eyes, almost all of his eyeballs are black. Almost. It's a good sign. But what concerns her the most is his chest, he was stabbed with knife, and the knife remain there. She prayed the knife didn't go through his heart, or else this will be a waste of good cure.

She tug his jacket sleeve, pull it up until his inner elbow exposed and trying hard to get a pulse. There's a pulse, very weak, but that's all she need. With one precised movement, she injected the serum to his heart, and waited few seconds until all the liquid run out from it's cartridge. She waited for another minute to see if the serum works or failed. Then again checked his pulse, a bit stronger now. Good.
"Welcome back to the world of living, stranger" she muttered to him, "we will heal you, don't worry". now the hardest part, she need to removed the knife. Her hand scrambled into her equipment bag and quickly set up an emergency surgery kit. A bunch of bandage, scalpels and everything she needs are on her arm reach.

She proceed her routine before surgery, her portable devices beeping, showing the blood pressure and heartbeat. The advantage of regular surgeries with people in this state is, they doesn't need too much sedative or pain killer, they're literally feel nothing, and ofcourse constant surgery almost every night help her getting expert on her job in no time. And within half hour, she finished patching up his chest. All good. She rose from her previous bending position above the stranger, stretch her sore neck for bowing too long, cracking her knuckles slowly and sighed deep. All is good. While waiting for her team, she clean herself with rubbing alcohol, taking her bottle of water and emptied it. She sit near the stranger, examined him once more before continue to pack up her kit. She decide to clean the stranger face with damp towel, he looked fine after all those blood wiped away. Smiles, Mads took a bottle of pure alcohol from her backpack.

"Mads, done?" Doe's back with the other Lazarus, behind them few crancks are transported with stretchers. Ah merrier than yesterday though, she waved to her fellow teammates behind Doe's. They're chatted about something and she's not even curious. She quickened her last work, eager to go home and have a good hot meals before she close the day in her own bed.

"Yeah, done. Need extra work with the knife, but all is good. I need stretcher please" she pour her surgery kit with quite amount of the alcohol she prepared and put them back into her bag. Her teammates carefully lift the stranger to the stretcher and they all walk in hurry, since the chaos is still on going, and they don't want to trapped there. They half running to their air transportation and ready to go home. Behind them, the Last City literally falling off, consumed by fire and the gun shots still can be heard from every corner of this place. "Any strangers need surgery?" She asked them when they reach the transportation, the chorus of 'no' , 'no need' and 'all is good' is hear around her and she sit down in the copilot seat.

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