How We Grow Fond to Each Other

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"Good morning Newt" she greet him when she walked in and making beeline to his bed "How's your sleep?"

"I had nightmares" he answered glumly. As usual he was sit in the edge of his bed, legs dangling, head down. His hair messy.

"I'm sure it will be there for a while, Newt. But it will be gone soon." She sit next to him, taking one syringe from the cart, and pulled up his sleeve. "It will stings a bit" she warn him when she inject it. Newt winced. "Sorry about it. Anyway i need to check on your stiches" she continues and hop down so he can lay to his bed

"Sure" he tug up his shirt, Mads checking on her amazing work, satisfied. He recovers really quick. Oh come on, appreciation to ourselves is highly recommended. She's brought dead man back to life. Literally. She help him sit upright again, and an idea popped up in her head. It might help him ease a bit in here.

"Do you want to see around? I can take you for a house tour, since i have nothing to do, and i might also take you for breakfast. Change of scenery is good for your recoveries too"

"That will be great." His eyebrows draw together. He was making plan, like he used to do back with his friends when he was trapped in danger

"Don't planning to run away, Newt, we're not WICKED. you are a free person" she told him when she realised he plan on something, well it's always like that. Every stranger that newly awake, always have an escape plans. So she knew when the gear inside his head is turning. Newt look at her questioningly but nod his head anyway "ask me wherever you want to go and we're gonna provide it for you, promise. Come on then. Hop down" She walk ahead of him

They're walking side by side while Mads explain all he wants to know. About who they are, what they've doing, what kind of job she currently working on. She explain with honesty,  and she knew he didn't believed her, yet. When they passing through a small team of people with disoriented eye sight, she explained that they once was Crancks. The serum works well on earliest stage of infection. Until their eyes are all blackened, then it will be useless to use the serum. Newt was extremely confused with all of this new information he heard. He wish Thomas is here, he will very much like this place. Wonder where they are now..

"Newt, grab some breakfast and if you feel tired I'll take you to your new room. I don't think you need to sleep in the ward anymore." after they took some meals, back to the table, and eating in silence, which give Mads some time to study him. He is a tall man, taller than her. His blond hair look silky and soft. His eyes filled with worry but he do have a beautiful eyes. His face still gloomy, perhaps the effect of almost being zombie or he misses his old life and friends. But when he smile, it's sweet and contagious. She hope he will smile often after this. So much pain in his eyes. She hope one day it will all gone. She was hoping she'll be able to help him with it.

How many times do i thinking about his eyes? Maddison ask herself, and she smiles sheepishly, trying to hide it with biting a cheese burger and avoiding Newt eyes who looking at her weirdly.

"Mads. Code black! Code black!" An announcement from the loudspeaker made her shot up and run to the direction they're came before. Newt didn't know what is code black but it must be emergency, because it made her running wildly, shoving people out of her way, and disappear in the cafeteria crowd.

There's something about her that remind him of his friend. How she read his mind, her constant stare whenever he didn't see, like she was trying to understand him. And he grow fond of her, a little. Her company is everything he needs at the moment. He was awake with pain in his chest, disorientation, and throbbing pain in his head. He was in awe, he remembered asking Thomas to kill him and yet he saw him walk away with teary face. He wished he can tell him that everything will be okay. When he felt he stop breathing while taking the last scene of the dark sky, he thought his eyes playing with him, an image entering his eyes, a brunette girl, saying everything will be okay, just like he always said to his friend. Maybe she's an angel. Then he felt so sleepy. He succumbed to the darkness and when he open his eyes, he was in a bright light. Then she came. The brunette angel. It wasn't dream, she's real. But can she be trusted? He hope so. He want to.

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