3. How We End Up

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The Lazarus Aircraft ready to take off.
Newt and Winston securely seated behind Maddison. They wave goodbye to the Lazarus headquarter people and the pilot took them high above the clouds. No one say anything. The flight itself took around 6 hours. Mads suffocating with the tense air around them. She counted how long until they arrived. 6 hours sounds too long, but it pass them like a flash. Maddison choked by her own tears. Her chest heavy. She hate goodbye. And with everything that happened last night, it added more pressure on her chest.

Finally they're arrived. The Lazarus Aircraft hovering above the cliff near the Save Haven main tent. The Save Haven people watch it with worry. Some of them are ready with guns in hand. Mads ordered the pilot to land near the beach area. They swarmed around the aircraft and tension really visible on their faces.

"You guys ready?" Newt and Winston nodded. Well, im not ready, she said to herself. Mads pull off the lever and the back hatch opened slowly. She walk down and watch them warily "My name is Maddison, I'm part of Lazarus Foundation, i mean no harm. I brought your friends home with me here" and Mads step aside, revealed Newt and Winston for them. They walk out from the aircraft and when their feet touch the sands, gasped are heard here and there. Few people approaches them, unbelievably with what they saw right now. It's their dearly friends, who fight with them, cried with them and lost in between the times. But they're here, real in person. They're cheered up, screaming in happiness and unspeakable joyous. Tears was in their eyes.



They running to each other and embracing them in a huge group hug. That's really sweet. Newt really fit in this team. I'm happy i decided to help him that day. She quietly muttered to herself, watched them and smiling. How amazing an unfortunate things that happen to them, brought them closer than any family could be. You can see in their faces, how glad they were to found their lost friends.

"Maddie, come here!" Winston run to her and drag her behind him to their team "this girl here, she saved both of us, and made us not turning into Crank!"

"Maddie, this is my friends, my family." Newt pull her to his side, and slither his hand onto Mads waist automatically,  and motion the other "Fry, Aris, Minho, Gally, Brenda, Jorge, Vince and the famous Thomas. Guys, This is Maddison from Lazarus, she literally bring dead man back to life" he glance at her lovingly,

There's some 'uh' and 'hmm', a small cough around them. Newt watch them in questioningly, oblivious with his own hand resting comfortably in her waist. While Mads focusing to one person he call Thomas.

"Thomas?" Maddie stared Thomas, and so does Thomas. She freed herself from Newt hand, taking steps towards Thomas.

"Maddison?" They walk closer to each other until they're few inch away

"You slimy son of a-" Her voice are muffled in his neck when she lunged into his hug and he hug her back. Tightly. Afraid if he let go, the dreams is gone and she's not here anymore. But how does he felt her so real?

"I thought you're dead!" Thomas almost crying in between their laughter, he break the hug, staring at her eyes, their eyes filled with tears, he wiped her tears. She holding his hand so hard like he was her last lifeline.

"Umm what's going on?" Brenda asked them "you two know each other?"

"This is my sister, guys! My freaking sister!" Thomas kissed her forehead and hug her again

"If Mads is your sister that's mean Louis too?" Newt asked them

"Louis is alive?" Thomas glare to Maddie, can't believe with what he heard,

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