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Elsa's POV

I probably shouldn't have overtaken our conversation. Or told her that I planned to spend all my time studying so I could have outstanding scores. Immediately, I'd met my guide, I had already made her dislike me before I knew her name. I quickly said all this and I didn't let her finish until the warning bell rang. She only told me two things. "You're gonna be a nerd. I don't like nerds. My name is Rachel."

With that she signed for me to follow her and stormed out of the room.

English was okay. The teacher, Mrs. Marley handed us our schemes but I had learnt most of it back home. I tried my best to listen in glass only distracting myself to look at my friends and whisper that they be quiet. Merida was paying attention but she seemed to be annoyed. Her guide kept whispering to her and she didn't seem to like what she was hearing.

Rapunzel was listening and her guide was sitting beside her playing with her hair. He was loosening her braid. Eugene was paying attention and Jack was too. Jack seemed uncomfortable. Hiccup was in a deep conversation with his guide. I tried to get his attention.

Mrs. Marley was soon beside me frowning. "Elsa Arendelle, do you mind answering the question on the board?" At first, I was confused to be called Elsa Arendelle. She pronounced it as Ah-run-doll. I was biting my lip not to correct her so that I wouldn't get into more trouble. I looked at the question.

What is the definition of gist?

I smiled and answered, "It is the main point or the essence of a story." Some people smirked thinking I was wrong. Mrs. Marley stopped frowning and complimented," I am glad to see you were listening after and not staring at..." She looked at Hiccup and his guide. She ignored them and continued to teach.

After class, Rachel came up to me. "I know we got off to a bad start and you are definitely gonna be a nerd but for the next week, I'm your guide. We don't have to be the best of friends but it's worth a try."

I held my breath. This was the longest Rachel had spoken to me and considering it was thirteen seconds, it wasn't much but I nodded. We shook hands and Rachel turned to leave then stopped and looked at me. "By the way, I hope you don't have a crush on either Rico or the dude he's guiding."

I was shocked. "Hiccup, no. Never." Rachel squinted at me for a few seconds then seeming satisfied, she walked away.

Merida's POV

Why? Why? WHY?!!!! Why had I gotten annoying little Mandy Monster? I don't like to stand out. I hated being the center of attention like when my mum tried to get me married to some dolts that couldn't even shoot a bow better than me.

Mandy was always being teased and as my guide, she was an influence meaning I got it too. I've already heard the whispers about Wannabe Mermaid. I would NEVER want to be a mermaid, if anything a horse or a hunter but seriously. Mandy was also, infuriatingly clingy, it was like she had no other friends and I shouldn't count. I had complained to Elsa but she said that I should just give Mandy some time then talk to her a bit and tell her her faults. Due to Mandy's schedule being almost the same as mine, the only class I didn't have her in was gym. I couldn't wait for that bell to go off. In the meantime, I had no idea what to do.

"Hey, BFFFL" Mandy cheered coming over to me. I gritted my teeth.

"Hi, Amanda."

"I told you. Call me Mandy."


"Don't you want to know what BFFFL stands for?'

"I really don't care."

A Battle To Win.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz