King Thrandruil

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Your P/O/V:

We walk into the throne room slowly and I move closer to Legolas's side. Thrandruil is draped over his throne looking bored. He stands gliding down the steps to the throne a small smile gracing his features "You have grown." Legolas takes a step forward bowing "Farther." Thrandruil steps closer wrapping his arms around his son "It's good to have you home once again."

Legolas hugs his farther back and I smile at the scene in front of me. After a moment the two pull apart and Legolas turns his head slightly "Father, Y/N of Asenlone." I smile slightly curtsying pushing the memories of our last meeting out of my head "Your highness." he smiles slightly looking between the two of us "It is good to see you again."

I smile back and Thrandruil turns back to his son "We have a lot to talk about, come." Legolas takes my hand in his once again and we follow Thrandruil through to a small dinning room where we sit and explain the journey of the ring. "So the ring is destroyed?" we both nod "And Gondor once again has a king on the throne?" he smiles "You have both been through a lot, yet you seem to have found something very precious through this journey. I am happy for you both." 

Legolas rests his hand over mine on the table. "I hope you will both stay for a while?" Legolas bows his head slightly smiling "Yes, thank you." Thrandruil nods "Of course." A guard walks into the room and bows "Forgive the intrusion your majesty but a letter just arrived from Erabor." Thrandruil stands "Excuse me a moment." he drifts out the room and I lean my head on Legolas's shoulder. "Tired love?" I smile slightly "A little, we didn't exactly sleep a lot in Gondor or on the way here."

He chuckles softly "That is not entirely my fault." I move my head slightly to give him a small glare, he merely smiles in return. "I can escort you to my room if you would like to rest? I have some matters to discuss with my father." I nod slightly and we both stand just as Thrandruil re-enters the room "You are leaving?" Legolas smiles slightly "I shall return shortly father, I am taking Y/N to my room to rest." he nods slightly settling back into his seat.

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