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I don't take comfort in sleep like I used to
Not music
Not friends
Not cigarettes too
I want to take my comfort in you

But you
Who are you?
Where the hell are you?
Shouldn't I know who I am first
Shouldn't I be able to find myself
Maybe I already did
Maybe I know you
Maybe I know where you are
But where am I?
Maybe I know that too

You're not far You might already feel me
For I am the sound you hear when you feel the wind
I am the kisses you need when your wounds are fresh
I am the medication you take when your mind you want to mend
I am the bones that popes when your body you stretch
I am the glory and misery you feel in the end

I am the butterflies in your stomach
The voices in your head
I am the hand you hold
The person in your bed
I am the sting in your heart
The cold to your flesh
I am the sinner to your sins
The pope to your good-deeds

I am the blame
I am the escape
I am the weakness
I am the strength
I am the shiver to you skin
The warmth you get
I am the tingling sensation
The comfort you seek
I am the satisfaction
Everything you need

But who are you?
What are you to me?
A stranger
A thought
A whisper
That's who you are
And that's what I'll always be

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