Atsushis pov

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Its been 2 years ever since that night me and everyone else knew someday chuuya would start to ask questions

We would really hate to see chuuya in pain again

But he's soon gonna learn the truth

Lately I've seen chuuya look stressed

That day he told us kunikida told him everything I froze I was confused too
it sounded to good to be true

I later found out that it wasn't true he only found out about his memory loss but now i regret I told him about dazai

I was kinda confused when he didn't flinch to dazais name but at the same time chuuya is the type to keep everything in atleast that's what dazai has said

I really hope chuuya is doing okay

When akutagawa gave chuuya the address to the house that used to be his and dazai I kinda felt that it was wrong but maybe it would help chuuya

After he left I followed him to the house and checked what he was doing yes I know that's considered stalking but I couldn't help it

Chuuya was just looking around I then saw him walking to the closet and I remembered the people that came in here to like pack the house didn't went inside the room and kouyou took all of chuuyas clothes from the closet but dazais was still there

Chuuya was about to open the door from the closet but I have forgotten I messaged kouyou that we gave chuuya the address so she then walked in angry and took chuuya out

I stayed there tho because I felt like he was gonna come again and I was right later around midnight I saw chuuya back in the house he went back he then opened the door to the closet

I saw that he looked confused Bc he only saw dazais clothes but there was also that box of important things I forgot to take it out now chuuya is gonna see it

But before chuuya opened it i saw that chuuya flinched I was confused Bc there was nothing that could've made him flinched he then suddenly left I had to follow him to see if he opened the box at home

I then walked to his house and knocked

I knocked once but no no one opened

I then knocked a second time and heard chuuya said he's coming

Hello chuuya-San I say he just says hello and let's me in we talk for a while I then ask him if he had opened the box and he looked away saying he hasn't and I was relieved he then proceeded to ask me some questions but I told him I won't be able to tell him anything to do with his past he seemed upset but understood and then asked if I could answer just one question I didn't think it would be anything bad so I said sure he then proceeded to tell me his dream and I panicked because it wasn't a dream more like a memory but I couldn't tell him that so I made up a lie which I panicked and said something that makes no sense like bake an egg seriously but I think you can bake eggs anyways I think he didn't bought it but I quickly left his house

I decided to go to akutagawas house and tell him what was going on I then proceeded to walk to his house which wasn't that far since he lived 3 houses away from chuuya

No ones POV

At akutagawas house

Atsushi knocks on the door it takes a while since akutagawa hates company but he looks trough the peep hole and see's atsushi since he has a soft spot for the white hair he let him in

Atsushi POV again

Akutagawa opens the door for me i say hello and he greets me back he then lets me inside his home

We walk to the couch and sit down

No ones POV

Atsushi what may you be here for akutagawa asks
Oh I was here to talk to you he says

Talk? About what akutagawa says with a sus expression

About chuuya-San he told me something and he found the box and I'm pretty sure he's going to open it soon and I feel once he sees those things he might regain some of his memory atsushi says in very fast way that akutagawa was getting confused but understood

Okay I get it calm down first weretiger akutagawa said

Ok so your saying chuuya told you something which was akutagawa asks he told me he would always have a dream where he is screaming to someone to wake up and not leave him but it's not a dream it's a memory i think it was from that night when we were working together and something happened to dazai and chuuya was hard to control you remember atsushi says

Oh that night we cannot let chuuya know what happens is not only gonna bring pain to him but to us to see him like that he said with a sad expression

You also mentioned a box aku says

Oh yeah so remember that box of dazais stuff well chuuya found it and it's in his house right now atsushi says with a worried face

Well we are doomed he's going to find out we better be prepared for what coming aku said

So what are we going to do akutagawa the white hair boy said

At this point we can't do anything we both know chuuya was going to find out one of these days I just didn't know it was going to be tonight akutagawa said

Well I think I have to go it's almost morning and hopefully nothing happens later with chuuya-San

Okay goodbye jinko akutagawa said waving at him from out the door

Ok guys so that was atsushi and kinda akutagawa point of view of the chuuya situation sorry I don't post that much I forget much of the plot I'm trying to write so I have to wait till the words come to my head again anyways I hope you enjoyed today's chapter

Enjoy your day

Word count [1044]

I'll find the truth (soukoku)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin