Chapter 2 - Abnormal Disturbance

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The wave of the air-conditioning filled the entrance floor when they entered and the sound of numerous heels clicked on the tiles.

   Paralegals and other assistants  were busy at their desks with files piled up all over the place some were absentmindedly sitting back diverting phone calls and typing, while some others were in a corner gathered together as they deliberated about a case

   "When we step in the arena its a banger." Tara sang looking at the wild activity going on as usual.

   Shalewa chuckled.

   "I'm having a meeting with a client so I won't come for lunch. She said on a sad note."
"Bye! Love you!" she waved as she headed for the elevator.

  After receiving a wave from Shali, she left for the elevator.

The ringing of the telephones and the muttering voices which answered them, were covered through the door to Shalewa's office.
Shalewa being one of the top stars of the criminal department she was entitled to her personal office which was painted white and black the wall clock was at the far edge where Shali would see it clearly. There was a green cork board at her far right where she would highlight some things during a case. Her desk was filled with paperwork which she was done with for the morning. She thought of standing up to keep them in the cabinet beside her, but she suddenly felt lazy and decided to do it later.
Since she didn't had anything to that morning anymore,she placed her head on the table using her arms as a pillow.

  She slept off, not intentionally that nightmare had kept her awake all night. It could finally been said in words that she almost had a nice sleep.


  Until someone came in and walked directly to Shalewa's desk then...


   Shalewa's eardrums went blank then started making a buzzing sound at the loud cry of her name. She jolted, placing her hands on her ears so angry at the intruder who had woken her in the worst way.

   The intruder moved one of her heels forward hitting it on the tiles, her black pencil skirt showing her curved,skinny shape of a leg.
  Shali examined her bodice, her crossed arms showing the long sleeve of her white shirt.
Her neck was adorned with a silver necklace matching her earrings, her mouth covered with a red lipstick.
And her hair tied in a bun.

  I frowned when I saw her face.

     'Why can't my day get any better.'

   "You're awake!" Emma said.

   Shalewa stared hard controlling herself from doing something she will regret.

    'No o I will be waiting for you' Shali wanted to say.

   "What do you want Emma?" she calmly asked, knowing fully well that the only thing Emma wants was trouble.

"That's no way to greet your superior Mrs Makinde." Emma said leaning on Shali's desk

Shali laughed in disbelief

  "I would pretend you didn't say that because there is no way I would greet a spoilt brat like you Mrs Bankole" Shali fired back. If Emma wants to start her rubbish this morning she had all the time in the world.

Shali could see from Emma's expression that it pained her but she hid it.
  "And I will pretend you didn't say that to me because you're still jealous I got the promotion. Anyways its not your fault you didn't have enough people to back you up."

  Shalewa was confused.
'What did she mean by  people to back up? 'She thought

  Emma picked up a frame from Shali's desk which showed three women smiling at the camera as they stood beside a random building

  "I haven't seen this one before I guess it's been framed recently right?"

  Shali just rolled her eyes. It annoyed her when Emma always touches her things.

By the side stood Tara in her workout clothes placing her arm at the side of a middle aged woman who was at the middle in a T-shirt and jeans as her arms were both linked with Shali's and Tara's the smile on her face made her eyes small but also made her pretty. At the other side was Shali as she wore her workout clothes her cheek touching the shoulder of the woman as she her arms was placed to hers as well.

"Your mum opened a gym?" Emma asked, curiously.

  "How do you know she's my mum?" Shali asked curiously, she thought maybe Emma had checked her personal records because she can never mind her business.

"She's your mum, isn't she?" Emma guessed.

 "You can call it that or a self defence class" Shali explained as she arranged the paperwork in the cabinet since Emma had made her restless.

  "Your mum looks quite familiar though" Emma indicated.

  "Have you seen her before." Shali faced her.

"I don't know and I don't care" She simply said and Shali knew what she was doing.

"Are you trying to annoy me" Shali asked

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you haven't told me why you're here you have just been beating around the bush
Were you that bored?is that why you came here?

  But before Emma could answer any of the questions, someone knocked on the door.

   " Come in" Emma called before Shali could speak.

  'Its not even her office'
  "Mrs Makinde, Sir Tunde has requested you to come to the conference room. It seems urgent." A young man said.

"Okay I'll be on my way" Shali said before the young man closed the door.

  "Well, I have to go now but I'm sure we'll see at the meeting" Emma walked to the door.
As she was about to close it she said something that made Shali mad.
   "I guess you won't be going for lunch" She grinned

  "Have a bad day Shali" Emma said and before Shali could say anything, she closed the door.

Shali groaned hitting the table with her fist.

So what did you think about Shalewa and Emma?

Tara is such a drama queen and Shalewa is so different from her.

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Till I upload again!!!❤❤

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