Let's Disappoint Each Other

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a/n: The year is 1994-1995, which is Harry Potter's fourth year

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a/n: The year is 1994-1995, which is Harry Potter's fourth year.

"Wait, wait... what?"

I chortled at Jordan. I was about to tell him what I meant but I started laughing again. 

"Oh my gosh Elise!" Jordan yelled, getting frustrated. "Please just explain would you?"

"Fine, fine," I told him, swallowing my laughter. "What did I tell you again?" I pondered, losing my thoughts with my laughter.

Jordan stared at me with his jaw dropped. He then turned around in his seat, and walked away. 

A wide grin spread across my face. "Jordan!" I yelled blatantly. He whipped his head around and glared at me, brown curls bouncing as he did so. I reached into my bag and pulled out a bottle of thick red liquid. 

Jordan's eyes widened and drool leaked from his mouth as he stared at the bottle. I gave it a shake and, without breaking eye contact with the bottle, Jordan made his way back towards me and gently took the bottle from my hands, as if he were carrying a baby.

"Your welcome," I said in a sing-song voice.

"Oh shush," he told me. Jordan being a pureblood always loved when I brought him hot sauce. I swear, for being a magic school the food here is really lacking in the kitchen department. Maybe I'll start sneaking salt and pepper into the kitchens for the Pukwudgies that work down there.

Our attention was diverted when our headmaster, Agilbert Fontaine, stepped onto his podium at the front of the dining hall. It was odd for him to give a speech in mid-October, but we all assumed it was because the Quidditch season was about to start and he wanted to do the bets in public this year, you know, to really make the teams work harder. 

Instead, to our great disappointment, nothing was said about Quidditch. "I am pleased to announce," our headmaster started, "That we have been invited to participate in the Triwizard Tournament at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry alongside Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic."

The headmaster waited for our cheers and excitement, but the hall was dead silent with the exception of our clapping teachers. I'll be entirely honest, I have no clue what this tournament is, and I assure you if I don't, no one does.

"Well..." the headmaster tried once again, "The Triwizard Tournament is a competition held by the three largest wizarding schools of Europe. We, with much effort, have been invited to compete as well. It is of great honor, considering this tournament has been banned for centuries due to many champion deaths." Headmaster Fontaine had to stop once more because of the whooping of many students, including me. "I knew you'd like it!" he smiled. 

"There is one champion per school. The Ministry of Magic in Europe has decided that no wizard under the age of seventeen will be allowed to participate," many boos rang through the hall (once again including my own), "But, because we have our own Ministry, it is decided that a student of any age, with three nominations by a professor and with permission from their legal guardians, will be allowed to venture to Hogwarts and enter their name for the Triwizard Tournament.

"The nominations read:

Aidan Thompson, 13, Wampus. Nominated by: Mrs. Caldwell (Algebra), Mr. Finch (Curse Breaking), and Mrs. Anderson (Music History).

Toby Gill, 15, Thunderbird. Nominated by: Ms. Faustus (Divination), Mrs. Catori (Native American Studies), and Ms. Azolia (Magizoology).

Jordan Nelson, 14, Pukwudgie. Nominated by: Mrs. Rivers (Care of Magical Creatures), Mr. Vane (Magical Creatures), and Mrs. Frizz (Home Economics).

Andrew Evans, 17, Horned Serpent. Nominated by: Mr. Delacortess (5th year DADA, Basic Martian Magic), Mr. West (History of Magic), Mr. Nicholas (Magical Artifacts and Archaeology), and Mr. Stetson (Care of Magical Creatures - Survival).

Lara Austin, 13, Thunderbird. Nominated by: Ms. Hornwood (DADA), Mrs. Ganders (Music), and Mrs. Rosewood (No Maj "Magic").

Derick Kemp, 15, Wampus. Nominated by: Mr. Viper (Broom Instructor), Ms. Snowhawk (Transfiguration), and Ms. Anderson (Medical Studies).

Jack Wright, 16, Horned Serpent. Nominated by: Mr. Stralis (Advanced Care of Magical Creatures), Mr. Jamestone (Advanced Martial magics, Support Magic), and Mr. Stitchez (Care of Magical Creatures).

Ben Morris, 14, Thunderbird. Nominated by: Mr. Otto (DADA), Mrs. Kennedy (DADA), and Mr. Keystone (Magical Anthropology and Archeology).

Sean Sharp, 16, Thunderbird. Nominated by: Mrs. Svetnam (History of Magic in the No-Maj world), Ms. Hofferson (Runes, Dancing, and Spellcasting), and Mrs. Whateley (Mysteries of Magic - History Department).

Elise Roberts, 14, Pukwudgie. Nominated by: Mrs. Lyness (Deaf Studies, Wandless Magic), Ms. Vanadey (Anatomy, Healing of Magic Creatures), Ms. Almend (Basic Healing), Mrs. Smallflower (School Nurse), Ms. Esavia (Magical and Basic Botany), Ms. Grin (Advanced Herbology), and Mrs. Zephyrus (Storm Casting - Meteorology)."

Many students were disappointed when the Headmaster didn't announce their names. Jordan and I were ecstatic to hear ours though. The only two Pukwudgies participating. The Headmaster informed all of us nominees that Professor Dumbledore (Headmaster of Hogwarts) would explain the rest of the competition when we got the Hogwarts. He also told us we were to leave tomorrow afternoon and to owl our parents tonight. Jordan and I owled our parents immediately, then set off for bed.


I woke up early next morning to a tapping at my bedroom window. I saw the familiar barn owl that belonged to my family. I hastened to open the owl. It read:

Dearest Elise,

Your Uncle and I decided  that you have no business entering a tournament that could lead to your death. You don't have the skills and you are very much not of age for such a foolish thing. I am disappointed that you even had the courage to send us an owl. Even sending you to Ilvermorny was taking a chance and we, as a family, will not be doing anything to embarrass ourselves. Good luck with your studies,

Aunt and Uncle Roberts.

I sat in silence perched on my bed. I only perked up a bit when I was Jordan bursting through the door. "Did they say yes?" he yelled in excitement. I assumed his parents agreed.

I grinned broadly at him. "Yup!" I answered discarding my letter in the small can by the desk. Jordan came hurtling at me, picking me up off my feet and spun me around in a circle cheering. 

When Jordan finally put me down, he levitated all of my bags and sent them flying down the stairs of the hallway. "Well, let's go," he said, stretching out his hand for me to grab.

I reached for it. Then he pulled it away and said, "Haha, too slow," and skipped away from me. 

"Jordan!" I yelled, laughing and started chasing after him.

a/n: out of the 10 people nominated 9 will go to Hogwarts, and they will be your main characters (for the most part). that's why I went through and mentioned everyone instead of summarizing it.

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