Blond boys doing what blond boys do

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Bakugou was on babysitting duty, and Kaminari had a great idea.

Bug hunting!

It was the one thing he wasn't allowed to do with his uncles since Uncle Zashi was terrified, and his Uncle Aizawa didn't approve either.

"You've tried shoving a lady bug in your mouth once before." Aizawa embarrassed him in front of the class. "I'd rather that not happen again."

It told everyone that babysat him bug hunting was off limits.

But Bakugou wasn't there that day! So Kaminari told a teensy weensy white lie and got what he wanted. Now he bounced around the forest training grounds, looking for pretty bugs with a grumpy older blond stomping behind him.

"Stop stomping!" Kaminari whined, turning back to tell Bakugou oh so matter of factly. "You're scaring all the bugs away!"

Bakugou huffed. "I don't care about your stupid bugs."

Kaminari gasped, and Bakugou knew he had made a mistake.

He couldn't handle Kaminari's water works, "wait, kid -"

He was cut off by Kaminari's loud wail. "You don't care about me?!"

"Hah?!" Bakugou matched Kaminari's loud volume. "How'd you get that from what I said?!"

"You don't care about my bugs, and you don't care about what I do. You don't care about me!"

"Yes, I do, godamn it! Quit crying!" Katsuki grabbed handfuls of his hair in frustration. "Look, there's a grass hopper right there! Go chase it or something!" He hastily pointed behind the little.

Kaminari's head whipped around, losing interest in the conversation, pretty much forgetting why he was crying in the first place. "Oooo, gwass hopper!' He bounded away.

Bakugou groaned and followed after him, the older blond's steps lighter as per the little's request.

They chased that poor grass hopper deeper and deeper into the forest. To the point that barely any sunlight could break through the thickness of the trees. Bakugou was beginning to suspect Kaminari had lost sight of the grass hopper a long time ago. Now, the little was just running around and giggling, occasionally making sure Bakugou was still hot on his tail.

There was a moment Kaminari had the upper hand, getting ahead a little too far. He slowed to a stop once he reached a clearing, no longer hearing Bakugou behind him. He searched the area, golden eyes keenly watching for any pretty bugs to appear in his sight.

He unfortunately didn't find any. He did take notice of soft crying and another blond head peeking up from the tall grass, though.

That's not Suki, Kaminari thought. He neared closer, the blond was too blond, not ashy like his beloved Suki's, this head of hair was also soft and silky looking. He admired it from afar many times to know who it was.


His crying paused with a hitch in his breath. Monoma peeked up from the grass, baby blue eyes falling on the other blond.

Those blue eyes narrowed, but not with nearly as much malevolence as usual. His babyish voice was not helping either. "Go 'way!"

"Watcha doin?" Kaminari didn't listen and scuttled over with a certain lack of grace. Plopping on the ground beside him.

Monoma turned away, his cupped hands hiding something he was holding. He sniffed and rubbed his teary face against the shoulder of his blazer, trying to wipe his tears. "I said go 'way!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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