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Riley's POV

"First day of school, are you ready darling?" mum called from the kitchen.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" I lied.

My parents think that I'm the perfect child. And I am, technically. I get good grades, I don't get in trouble, and I hang out with the right people. Or used to, actually. I've recently moved here in Sydney because my dad got an amazing job offer that he couldn't refuse, so naturally, my mum and I had to come with him. In their minds, I'll keep being the Riley Woods they've always known, but they don't really know the real me.

No one knows the real me.

I'm tired of being the girl that the neighbour always compliments, or the girl the old lady from the supermarket calls "cute". It doesn't feel right, this just isn't me.

I'm an adventurous girl, always up for new challenges. I'd love to travel the world, go to concerts, heck even end up in a mosh pit, that sounds cool, right?

I shot a glance at the alarm clock. It read 7:34am.

"Sh*t", I cursed, not loud enough for my parents to hear. I was going to be late, on my first day of school.

I got ready quickly, throwing on a black v-neck with some tight black jeans, that had holes at the knees. My parents don't approve of my style at all, and think I should be wearing button-up shirts and nice looking trousers, but honestly, they don't have a choice. I do my best to please them with my grades and my attitude, so I don't see what's wrong with me being obsessed with black. I slipped on some leather slip-on Vans loafers and grabbed my backpack, already weighing down my shoulders because of the tons of books that are in it.

"Bye mum, bye dad!" I waved, and blew them a kiss.

It was nice to see the sun, rising at such an early hour. It made walking to school a lot nicer, but the inevitable knot in my stomach formed, reminding me of my stress. When I finally got to school, five minutes after the bell rang, no one was outside anymore. Jeez Riley, congrats on being late on the first day. I quickly jogged to the front door, that was locked. I tried pushing on it as hard as I could, hoping that I could break the lock with my bare hands, but my efforts were useless. To my right, there was a pathway that led to the back of the school, which I assumed would be where the back entrance was. So I decided to follow that pathway, but right when I turned around, three figures stood there, towering over me.

"Need some help, love?" the blond one asked, huskily. I couldn't help but notice his lip ring and sleeve, making him undeniably attractive. His two friends had the same style as him, which meant tattoos and "bad boy" look.

"Yeah... No thanks, not really," I politely replied. I tried to walk by him, but he read through me and planted himself in front of me, followed by his two friends. Stress started growing in me, and not only because I'm a naturally stressed out person. It was also because my face was literally an inch away from blondie's chest. He must've felt the anxiety growing in me, because he put his hands on my waist and brought his mouth to my ear.

"Do I make you nervous?" he breathed out.

"N-no... I have to go to class, please," I stuttered.

He stared at me with his piercing blue eyes and smirked before he finally backed off and let me go.

"Where's Calum, by the way?" he turned around to ask his friends.

"He's getting it with some girl from that obnoxious private school, Eastwood or whatever," the guy with blue hair and black piercings responded.

Blondie shook his head jokingly, and sighed.

"He could do better, am I right?"

"Ugh," I thought to myself. These boys are pigs and I can't believe that I ended up in a school like this. I used to go to a private school, which is why I'm so competitive and "clean-cut" as others would call me, but those are all stereotypes. The only reason I ended up like this is because of my parents, forcing me into being the perfect daughter.

The boy was turned away from me, so I jumped on the occasion and tried to run away, but I was stopped by a warm hand gripping my wrist.

"Hey beautiful, my name's Luke, and I'll see you around," he muttered, followed by a wink.

I was speechless, and let out a small "okay", barely loud enough for him to hear. I turned away and ran to the other side of the school, where I finally found the back door and was able to get myself in. The school looked really nice, actually. A lot cleaner than I expected, and bigger. Hopefully big enough so that I won't bump into Luke again.

***Author's note***
Sorry if this is so short, but I hope you liked the first chapter! If you did, please give it a vote and comment! And check out my first fanfiction too, if you'd like! Tysm x

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