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Luke’s POV

Why did I just tell her this? She looked at me, her mouth opened a bit.

“Close your mouth, you’ll swallow a fly,” I calmly teased her.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so surprised!” she finally answered.

“Yeah, no one knows. Well except you. I mean I did go to third base with a few girls before, but I think I’m just… Not ready for real sexual intercourse… Or I’ve never found the right girl before,” 

“Errr, if it makes you feel any better, I’m a virgin too?” she hesitantly said.

“No sh*t,” I laughed. “You look like a virgin,” I joked, to what she rolled her eyes and punched me playfully.

“Promise you’ll keep it a secret, please?” I begged.

“No problem,” she smiled. “I understand that need to keep a reputation and all…” her voice faded.

Without much thinking, my hand grabbed for hers and my lips were on hers in a heartbeat. I kissed her passionately, not roughly like I usually do. My hands gently cupped her face, and her fingers found my shirt, and tugged to it, probably not knowing what else to do. We slowed down the kiss, before completely pulling away from each other.

“Oh, uhm,” she babbled. 

“Did you like it?” I asked, with my usual confidence. I pushed her against the wall, and kissed her again, this time slowly kissing down her neck and on her collarbones. A small moan escaped her lips, and I smiled, satisfied.

“Luke, stop…” she suddenly whispered. “Why are you doing this?”

I stopped kissing her, and slowly backed away.

“I don’t know,” I answered. “There’s something about you that interests me… so much.” 

“I don’t think that was a good idea, we don’t live the same life, Luke,”

Her statement angered me, really. Why does everyone have such a horrible idea of me?

“Why? Because I go to parties? I smoke? I do risky things?” I yelled.

She nodded hesitantly, and mouthed “yeah”.

“Riley, isn’t that the life you want? The one where you can be reckless and do all these things teenagers do? The one where your heart is constantly beating, fearing that you'll get caught? ” I suddenly remembered.

“Yeah, it is,” she whispered so softly that I barely heard her. 

I sighed, and thought of an idea.

“Calum’s throwing a party Friday, do you want to be my date? You’ll see what a real party looks like,”

“I don’t know,” she answered reluctantly.

“I’ll give you the week to think about it, let’s go to school now,” 


Riley’s POV

I really wanted to say yes to Luke for that party proposal, but deep down I’m so afraid that something bad’s going to happen. How could I trust him? I’ve known him for two days and he’s already kissed me? Who is he anyways?

We were walking side by side, he was humming a song and I was looking at the ground. When we got into the school grounds, eyes immediately laid on eyes.

“Is that the new girl?” someone said.

“OMG they totally slept together,” someone else said.

“Ignore them,” Luke whispered in my ear, probably sensing that I was uneasy. 

Everyone stared at us as we walked through the door, even teachers didn’t look too happy to see that I was with Luke. I had French first period, and he had maths, so we said good bye to each other and I sat down in the classroom by myself, at the back of the class. The girl sitting in front of me, a redhead, turned around and started conversing with me.

“So,” she started. “You were with Luke Hemmings?”

“Yeah,” I shrugged.

“He’s no good. I know you’re new, so I’m just gonna tell you,” 

“Why? What did he do?”

“He’s involved in all the gang sh*ts, he smuggles drugs and all and he’s known for having sex with everyone he sees,” 

I nodded, laughing a bit by myself because I knew that he was a virgin.

“He invited me to a party, should I go?” I suddenly asked.

Her face said it all. She looked at me as if I had just asked her if it was okay to kill children.

“No! Him and his friends are going to drug you, and rape you and…” the bell interrupted her, and she was never able to finish her sentence.

After French class, I was heading to my next class, when someone caught my attention. 

“Hey there beautiful,” Luke called as he saw me looking at me.

“This girl told me a lot about you,” I said, not thinking twice before saying it.

“She told you about the gang stuff, the drug stuff and the girl stuff, right?” 

“Yeah,” I answered, surprised that he knew exactly what others said about him.

He laughed, and put an arm around me.

“Then why are you still talking to me? Normal people should be scared,” 

“I don’t know, I don’t like to judge people by what I hear about them. I’ll make up my mind about you once I get to know you,” 

“See,” he continued. “That’s why I like you. You’re giving me a chance.” 

***Author's note***

Sorry for the short chapters, I've been busy these days! hope you enjoyed this, give it a vote? comment? thank youuuu x

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