Rich girl in the north side of Tulsa, Oklahoma..

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        "I can't believe you're making me move to Oklahoma with Shawn, Charles and, Sammy. This isn't fair at all Dad! This is straight crap. I like living in the city. I don't want to move and live out in the country side, besides what am I going to do out there anywhere. There's probably no trouble to start up or anything. No one to fight or drink wit..." right before I could finish my father cut me off.. "Emilee Susan Rankin you bite your tongue before I snatch it out of your mouth young lady! I've had just about enough of your crap as I can take." 

        My father rarely ever snapped at me but we've been fighting like there's no end anymore because I've been getting into fights at school and been staying out late drinking at parties out at bad boys houses. He raised a lady to wear dresses and put her hair real pretty but that wasn't the woman I wanted to be. I wanted to be a woman who could handle her own and didn't need her big brothers to handle some douche-bag who made her cry. I guess me being a hard ass little lady is the reason my father is making my brothers and I move out to Tulsa, Oklahoma and live in my grand parents house that he just inherited because of their passing. I didn't want to move but I really couldn't stay in Illinois anymore not with my parents thinking about separating and my ex boyfriend spreading rumors about me (all because I wouldn't sleep with him, I'm a virgin and I plan and saving it for someone special, I don't believe in waiting till marriage but I believe in waiting)

        I hopped into what would be MY car in two years right after I graduate high school. She was a 1970 Bonneville. She was beautiful. My brothers decided once we got to Oklahoma the car would only be used for everyday use and the truck would be their work truck. As my brothers loaded the last of our boxes into the truck I turned on the radio only to hear my man Elvis singing Jailhouse Rock! I turned it up and waited for Sammy to get into the car. He and I were the closest out of all of my brothers. He's 17 and I'm 16 so I guess we're the closest in age too. I could come to Sammy for anything. Most people think he dropped out of school when they find out he's 17 and not in school but he actually graduated a year early. Charles and Shawn dropped out though. Charles was always getting into fights and never liked authority much. He's 19 and a great mechanic. Him and Sammy will most likely make friends with no problem, hell Shawn won't have any problems either. He was 20 turning 21 in three weeks. I love my brothers but we'll most likely be fighting a lot, I'm going to try my best and be helpful. I don't care for authority but I mind to my brothers they would keep me in line trust me. I guess you could say I was kinda excited to start a new life and a new adventure. New things excited me but changed also scared the hell out of me. I know it makes no sense but that's me. I don't plan on making a ton of new friends but I'll see what comes my way.

        Sammy hopped into the passenger seat and we told mom and dad we loved them and I said I'd call once a week. We headed down the road on the way to our new home, on the way to my fresh start..

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