A walk to remember..

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        "Em time to get up breakfast is ready." Sammy hollered at me from the doorway as he walked by on his way to the kitchen. I got up and went to the kitchen where my brothers were waiting for me. One thing was truly important to my brothers and that was eating at least one meal a day together. Our parents worked so much that we rarely ate one meal together as a whole family, mom or dad would normally be missing. This was the start of them not talking as much but Mom decided it would be best to work less hours, so her and my father are working on things now. "Is there orange juice?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen and saw that Darry guy from the bar last night standing in my kitchen having a cup of coffee talking with my brothers. "Oh hey there Darry, how's the coffee?" I giggled as I walked by him on my way to the fridge to see that there was no orange juice. "Black, who's the orange juice?" He responded with a smirk. "It's wonderful can't ya tell?" I said as I placed my cup back into the cabinet. "I have some juice at my house if you want I can let ya have a glass, I'm getting ready to head over there and make breakfast myself."

        Not thinking about it too much I went and got dressed (http://www.polyvore.com/second_time/set?id=149889337) and head back out the Darry and tell him I'm ready whenever he is but he was waiting for me in the living-room. "We'll be here all day just hanging around working on the house Em, be home in a few hours we're having the Curtis family over for dinner tonight." "Yes sir" I hollered as I walked out behind Darry. 

        "Where do you live Darry?" "My brothers and I live right next door, the house to your left." I was in shock, I never imagined having three ruff boys living right next to me. I wondered what his brothers looked like. As we walked into his house I saw this boy, probably no older than 15 sitting on the couch reading a book, 'To Kill a Mocking Bird'. "That's a great book there bud." I smiled as he looked up and me and said, "It really is, this is my second time reading it but I do enjoy it. I'm Ponyboy Curtis ma'am." Pony put his hand out for me to shake. "Hello there Ponyboy I'm Emilee Runkin." I said as I took his hand in mine and shook it briefly. 

        "Pony goes to the school you'll be attending here soon, he's a sophomore. He should be a freshman but he's so smart he skipped a grade." Darry was telling me all about Pony as he handed my a glass of OJ and started making breakfast. "I take it you're the Curtis man Shawn's going to be working for, huh?" I say as I finish my first sip of OJ. "Yes ma'am, I heard nothing but great things about your brothers. Not only is Shawn going to start on Monday but so is your other brother." "That's wonderful sir!" I say with a smirk "Oh hunny please no sir talk around here, I'm only 21, you can call me Darry." "Well Darry I'm glad you and my brothers are getting along so well. I think your brother and I can hang out around school he seems pretty nice!" "Ponyboy and Sodapop are both gentlemen, if you ever need anything please don't ever hesitate." "Where is Sodapop, I'd love to meet the final Curtis boy." 

        I heard the bathroom door creak open and a 17 year old boy walk out with nothing on but a towel around his waist. "Soda put some clothes on we have company!!" Darry hollered just like Shawn was always hollering at me. I didn't really get to see his face because his was down. "I'm getting dressed ya goof!" Soda hollered right back. 

        "Boys we're going over to the Rankins next door to eat dinner tonight, they're the new neighbors. Be ready by 5 p.m.." Darry barked at the boys as I was helping him place the food on the table. "I better get going Darry, my brothers are probably wondering why a glass of OJ is taking so long." I giggled as I was backing out of he kitchen talking I backed right into what must have been Sodapop so I turned around and I was correct. "I'm so sorry Soda, I .." He cut me off before I could finish apologizing..

        "You should probably start watching your step milkshake." He said as he gave me that grin that I remember from last night. "Oh my gosh! You're the guy from the bowling alley. First I ran into ya last night and now right here in your own home, I'm really sorry." I say as I put my head down and try to walk by him so I can leave but he grabs my arm and tells me "No ma'am, no reason to be sorry. Only way to make it up to me is if you go on a walk with me here after breakfast." I smiled "Deal." I sat down at the seat where Darry patted for me to sit in between him and Soda. 

        Soda and Pony did the dishes real fast as I and Darry folded laundry, Darry said I didn't have to help but it was just towels and I didn't mind. "I'm ready to go if you are Emilee." Soda said he he was walking into the living room. "I'll have to come by and visit you guys again, thanks for breakfast and the OJ" I said as Soda and I walked down the steps to the porch. 

        "So you guys just moved in last week, is that what Darry was saying?" He asked me as he was lighting a cig up. "That's right, our parents shipped us to live in our grandparents house because they needed someone to live in the house after they passed and also they felt that I would make better choices around new people." "You the rebellious kind hun?" He smirked at me "You could say that, I don't give two thoughts about authority but I respect my brothers more than anyone. They would have my ass in .2 seconds if I did wrong by them. They always bailed me out of jail when I was going in because of a fight or because I was out passed curfew." Soda just smiled, "Yeah, you're really a rebel. I don't take to cops either but I respected my parents like no other, not to judge you because to each their own, but my family means the world to me." "So is it just you and your two brothers now?" I asked because Darry had told me and my brothers about his parents. "My family starts with my brothers but continues through my buds, Steve, Two Bit, and Dally. They're my family also." He went to tell him all about his friends how they use to fight Socs all the time but since the last rumble they'e stayed on the south side. "I actually talked to Two Bit before bumping into you last night." "The way your eyes sparkled that night had me thinking about you the rest of the night" Soda told me. "I'm flattered Soda really, the look you gave me last night had me feeling the same way."

        We walked around town and he showed me everything including where he worked and he told me to stop by sometime after school and we could hang out and chat until he got off. We decided to head back to the neighborhood because I had to help with dinner and he had to get ready to come over but we promised we could go walking more often. "Thank you Sodapop for a walk to remember, I'll never forget my first stroll around town with a handsome guy with a thousand wonderful stories." I said as I giggled and fixed my hair. "Well Em, I wanna thank you for taking this walk with me and listening to all of my stories and for telling me all of your stories. I'm gonna hold ya up to a walk next time we're both free milkshake." He said gave me that same smirk from last night and I melted again inside of myself. 

        I walked in expecting to be hollered at for being gone so long without telling my brothers where I had been but I guess Pony ran over and told them I had went on a walk with Soda because he wanted to show me around. "How was the walk?" All of my brothers asked as I closed the door and I leaned on it after I closed it and said, "It was a walk to remember, a walk I'll always remember." I smiled and went to my room.

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