The look he gave me ..

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        "I recon you can go explore the town once you get your things put away Em." Shawn said to me as I was empting my last box for my bedroom. "Okay bub but I'm not gonna take the car, I'll walk my way around so I can get a good feel of the place." I hollered out at him because he walked ou of my room. I shut my door and changed my clothes ( and walked out into the livingroom where my brothers were all drinking a beer and relaxing before the headed out in the car to the bar with a pool-hall so they could make our move known to everyone. 

        "You better not get into trouble your first night here young lady!" Charles snapped with a smirk on his face so I knew he wasn't gonna be irate if I called him from jail later on in the night, "I mean I don't plan on getting into trouble but shoot who goes looking for trouble, if trouble wants you it'll find you." I said as I walked out onto the porch and flipped my hair over my head and ruffled it so it looked more wavier. I had to meet the boys at BUCKS by 11 o'clock on the dot or my ass was grass. As I walked down the stepped and onto the sidewalk I noticed a group of young guys who looked like real tuff kids if you know what I mean.. I wasn't scared they didn't look to be any harm, so I made my way to the bowling alley so I could get a shake and maybe find someone to walk me around and show me the town. 

        "Well hello there Missy, what may I help you with this evening?" the gentleman and the counter asked me as I was walking up there. "A chocolate shake might make my night"  I dropped 50 cents on the counter and told him to keep the change as a tip as he handed me my shake. "Well hello there pretty lady, my name's Two Bit Matthews." one of those tuff kids I saw from earlier, him and his friends walked in right after I ordered my shake. "I'm Emilee, how's it going Two Bit?" He responded, "I'd say it's going mighty fine Emilee. Are you new around here? I don't recon I've seen you before.." I figured I'd get that a lot this evening. "I just moved in this afternoon as a matter of fact." He also ordered a shake and offered for me to sit with him and his buddies but I told him I had to get going and meet my brothers up at BUCKS or they'd have my head if I wasn't there by 11 on the dot. "All right but you promise to get a shake and hang with us the next time you're here?" He said with a smile "Pinky promise." I said as I walked out of the bowling alley with my shake.

        As I was walking out one of Two Bits' friends was outside smoking and I ran right into him because I wasn't watching where I was walking. "I'm so sorry" I said as I laughed a little "It's all right, you didn't do any damage ma'am." The look he gave me when he said that could have made me melt right there in front of him "I'll catch ya around pretty boy." I said with a wink

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