brighter than the fireflies

53 3 7

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

renjun and jaemin were alone in their flat. it didn't feel the same without jeno.

renjun felt it the most - he spent the days just lying in bed, doing nothing.

jaemin on the other hand was motivated to make everything better and create a suitable environment for their future relationship. he ordered a huge blanket on the internet and also matching mugs, to begin with. he was very excited for jeno to come back.

jaemin had it all planned - jeno would come back, they would have an early dinner together and then they would go out for a walk. they would arrive in the nearby park and sit on their favorite bench.

jaemin would sit in the middle and take one hand of each boy. he would take a deep breath, smile, and finally ask both of them to be his boyfriends. and they would - of course - agree happily.

jaemin smiled a bit at that thought. he was sure it would work out well.

he looked at renjun, who was lying on the sofa. he moved there just because jaemin wouldn't stop nagging otherwise.


"hm?" renjun hummed, not even looking at jaemin.

"i'll change your bedsheets and then we could go out, huh?"


jaemin pouted at his reaction and came closer. he sat next to the sad boy and hugged him.

"you don't miss him, jaemin? why are you so smiley? he's not here."

"i think you're overreacting, sweetie. jeno is gonna come back in... 4 days! he'll be here soon. and everything will be perfect."

"hmmm... what if he ran away and masked it as visiting his parents?"

"renjun. he didn't run away. i promise," jaemin said and stroked renjun's soft cheek.

the touched boy blushed immediately after the touch.

"awwww! what a cutie!" jaemin giggled.

renjun smiled and blushed even more.

"yes! yes! that's what i want to see! your smile! it looks so amazing," jaemin smiled widely and kissed renjun's forehead, "never stop smiling, please."

"ahhhh, jaemin. i can't stop blushing. oh god, my face feels hot," the shorter boy giggled.

"you're a cutie."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

the two boys went out on the planned walk.

"it's so nice outside," renjun said.

"why do you just lie in bed then?" jaemin teased him jokingly.


"okay, okay, sorry. it wasn't meant to hurt you," jaemin said softly.

instead of an answer, renjun took jaemin's hand and intertwined their fingers.

"feels good," the other boy simply said and smiled. renjun smiled too and squeezed his hand.

it felt great.

"i really like this," jaemin said after a while.

"do you?" renjun smiled and squeezed his hand again.

"my other hand feels lonely tho."

"hmmmmmm... what should we do about that?"

"i'll put it in my pocket i guess," jaemin said and did so, "oh! i found something!"

"what? what is it? show me! please, jaeminnie!" renjun begged cutely.

"okay, okay. but only because it's you..." jaemin giggled and pulled out his hand. he opened his palm and showed it to renjun.

the shorter boy's eyes lit up with excitement. he looked up at jaemin and smiled. jaemin looked at him and smiled too. he got lost in renjun's dark eyes, which were shining bright at the moment. brighter than the fireflies. brighter than the stars. brighter than the sun.

and all of that just because of three tiny pieces of his favorite chocolate wrapped individually in colorful wrapping.

"you just made me fall in love with you even more, na jaemin."

the duo sat down on some bench. both of them were quiet, just enjoying the atmosphere, still holding each other's hands.

but it wouldn't be renjun if he didn't pull out a well-known sad fact:

"i miss jeno."

"me too," jaemin said quietly, a bit hurt that renjun was thinking about jeno again.

it was him who took care of renjun these days, who brought the chocolates. and yet, jeno was all over renjun's mind. he knew it was bad.

he shouldn't have been that jealous. and he understood renjun, of course. he also missed jeno deeply. one part of his soul was missing. but he also wanted a bit more appreciation.

"i really enjoy being with you, but... jeno..." renjun sighed desperately.

"i know, i know," jaemin smiled softly and pet renjun's hair.

renjun hugged him tightly and hid his face in his neck. jaemin hugged him back and kissed his hair.

"he will come soon, junnie, don't worry."

"no... we... we have to bring him back!" renjun exclaimed as he left the warm hug.

"what?" jaemin asked in shock.

"we will visit him!"

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fireflies [norenmin]Where stories live. Discover now