truth will find its way

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"what's wrong, jeno?" his sister asked.

she noticed her brother was acting a bit off - he wasn't his usual smiley self, in fact, he looked like he was constantly thinking about something.


"jeno, don't act like you don't know what i'm talking about."

jeno sighed and hid under the blanket. he didn't want to talk to his sister about anything at the moment. he was too busy thinking about the boys he had left in the flat.

"whatever it is, the truth will find its way and we will know soon. just to let you know," his sister said and walked out of the room, leaving jeno alone.

the boy closed his eyes tightly and breathed out. he wanted to comfort himself a bit and started thinking about what had happened before this crazy mess started.

all of them have been living in one flat for a year and it's been the greatest year of jeno's life. renjun was studying design at the local university, jaemin decided he's gonna be a barista and was working in a nearby cafe. and jeno was taking a gap year, trying to decide what to do. he was almost already sure about becoming a vet - he loved pets a lot, but that would mean a lot of studying for the university entrance exams which would happen in spring. jeno knew about that and even got himself most of the needed materials.

after many studying sessions in the cafe jaemin worked at, he felt very relaxed and confident. renjun was there too, making sure jeno wouldn't spill his coffee on his books or notes, giggling silently.
but what jeno didn't know was how much renjun adored him. he loved their quiet moments in the cozy cafe. he could watch jeno studying for hours and he wouldn't get bored.

and of course, jaemin was also there. unfortunately, he didn't have that much time to watch jeno, but he always found at least a minute to drop by their table, refill their cups, and pet jeno's soft black hair.
jeno would always smile and blush. back then, he hadn't realized his feelings yet. but that didn't prevent him from enjoying the attention he got.

his memories were suddenly interrupted by a tiny meow. jeno peeked out from under the blanket and looked around. bongsik was sitting on the table and watching him, probably wondering what the f was the human doing.

"bongsik. come here. hmm?" jeno said and patted on his stomach, hoping the cat would join him.

bongsik meowed and jumped on him, purring. jeno pet the cat carefully and kissed the tiny hairy forehead. he couldn't help but smile.

bongsik meowed again and looked into jeno's eyes.

"i know... you miss jaemin and renjun... i miss them too... but... it's weird, bongsik. it's just weird. i know what i want. but... i feel like... my brain can't really process it."

bongsik just watched the boy quietly, not understanding a single word.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

jaemin and renjun got themselves two nice seats on the bus.

renjun chose the window seat so he could rest his head against the window while taking a nap, meanwhile, jaemin was fine with the aisle seat, as he liked to stretch his legs from time to time. not that the journey would take too long, just about 2 hours.

renjun fell asleep as soon as he got comfortable and jaemin sighed. he wanted to talk to the latter for a while, but it was too late. he decided to put on his headphones and play games on his phone. his fingers were busy playing, but his brain was busy with something else - doubts.

his mind was full of them lately and he hated it. he used to be so happy and positive all the time, but since this three-people-relationship-situation started, he felt weird. he stopped the game and looked at the angelic boy sleeping next to him.

renjun was petite, adorable, a bit feminine but still so wonderfully handsome. jeno on the other hand was quite the opposite - he was taller and stronger overall, thanks to his athletic skills from high school. but he was a softie and wasn't afraid to show it to his loved ones.

'and i am the middle in everything,' jaemin thought and took renjun's hand to compare it with his own.

they were about the same size, maybe his own was slightly bigger. renjun's hand was definitely colder and sweatier. jaemin chuckled and decided he has to tease the other boy about it. then he kissed the hand and let renjun sleep peacefully.

but he still wasn't sure about the trip. maybe jeno would kick them out of his house. or even worse - not jeno, but his parents, although they were usually very nice.

or the worst scenario - they would kick them - including jeno - out. they would get angry at jeno and it would be jaemin and renjun's fault. and jeno would get angry at them and leave them.

jaemin shook his head in disbelief.

'that would never happen.'

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

the bus stopped at the bus stop and many people, including renjun, got awaken by the harsh movement. he opened his eyes and looked around lazily.

"is that it?"

"yes, we are here, sleepyhead," jaemin said and got up.

renjun yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"it looks different from the last time."

"because we went by train last time," jaemin giggled and took their bags.

renjun got up and yawned, taking jaemin's gentleman action as a sure thing.

"so... we will have to walk a bit longer?"

"shorter, actually. oh baby, you're so confused and dumb after waking up."

"hey," renjun frowned and hit jaemin playfully, "don't call me dumb. call me something more fitting."

"such as...?"

"such as wonderful, beautiful, amazing, spectacular, gorgeous...."


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

renjun continued his speech (consisting of compliments he would like to receive) the whole way to jeno's family house.

"dazzling, splendid, stunning, magnificent, glorious..."

"you know, these words are great."

"right?" renjun smiled as he got happy that jaemin was actually listening to him.

"yeah. we can compliment jeno with them."

renjun was about to hit him again, but then he realized that jeno would be so happy to hear these words.

"you're right. we have to tell him!"

and with that, renjun ran up three stairs leading to the main door and rang the bell.

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