a note - how did this happen?

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Hello my lovely people!

I hope everyone is happy and healthy.

I really wanted to come on here and talk to all of you who have supported and read this book over the past year.

In light of everything that has been happening and the things that have been surfacing as of late, I feel as though I am no longer comfortable in progressing this story, at least not set in the world that I originally created it in.

I cherish this story and it was one that I had big plans for. But with all the controversies and unknowns surrounding David and the rest of the squad at the moment, I feel as though continuing it as is would be distasteful and disrespectful to any of the victims who have spoken out.

To be perfectly honest with you all, the characters in this book may bare the same names as certain influencers and you tubers, but the characters that I've written have felt detached and seperate from them for a really long time.

I would still love to finish this story though, because I'm certain a part of me lives and dies with it, so I suppose what I'm getting at is wanting to know what you all would think about me rewriting it with new and/or original characters?

Please let me know what you all think, I feel as though this story belongs to you just as much as it belongs to me and wouldn't want to do anything without consulting you first.

I would also like to say this ... I believe in punishment where justified, I believe that the girls who have spoken out are brave and deserve complete justice against the one who perpetrated these horrific crimes.

I am also heartbroken that someone that I loved and looked up to could have stood by and let this happen. I am heartbroken that it took him so long to speak up. I don't think I'll ever be able to look at him the same way again. I don't think I'll ever be able to watch a vlog again.

I do have hope though, I hope that he goes forward as he always has, head first and at full speed, passion and perfection on his mind, I hope he carries all that he has been into creating solutions and being an advocate, I hope he protects and creates and helps the world become a better place.

I truely do love you all endlessly,

Lennon xx

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