Chapter Four ➳ Like A Storm In A Teacup

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Hey, come look at this.

Jesus, you weren't kidding.

We really shouldn't be in here.

Does anyone else find this extremely weird?

I think it's cute.

Voices swirled all around me, familiarity in each of them, but I couldn't quite place who they were coming from.

Slowly opening my eyes, I was met with four people staring down at me, each with a different expression upon their face.

'Sorry we woke you, Nat.' Mariah said quickly, grabbing both Heath and Zane by the elbows and leading them back towards the living room. 'Guys, I told you we shouldn't be in here.'

'What are you guys doing?' I asked groggily.

'What are you guys doing?' Matt asked back, slight accusation in his tone.

'What do you mean?' I asked, trying to prop myself up in bed.

Why can't I sit up? I thought, nowhere near awake enough. It was then that I looked down at what was stopping me.

David's arm was snugly wrapped around my stomach, holding me against him. In an instant I was wide awake.

'It's not what you guys think.' I said quietly, gently extracting myself from the warm, sleepy boy lying next to me.

Once I was safely out of his grasp, I grabbed Matt by the arm and pulled him towards the front door where the others were gathered.

'You guys looked cosy.' Heath commented, a wild grin on his face.

Mariah slapped him on the arm. 'Don't pry.'

'What's going on with you guys?' Zane asked, looking more serious than the other three.

'Absolutely nothing.' I said, trying my best to sound sincere. 'Look, I didn't book enough rooms. There weren't any more available. David said I could stay here. There was only one bed. End of story.'

'So why didn't one of you just sleep on the couch?' Zane asked.

'Because there is totally enough space for both of us in that bed.' I answered back.

'Sure is, just didn't look like Dave was a big fan of any sort of space between you guys.' Matt laughed.

I sighed, starting to get irritated. 'What are you guys even doing in here? How did you get in?'

'You idiots left the door unlocked.' Heath laughed.

'We came to see if you guys wanted to catch an early bite before later tonight?' Mariah asked.

'Thanks, but we're both pretty tired, I think we'll just get room service and meet you guys at the bus at 10.' I said, opening the door to our room and ushering them all into the hallway.

'Okie dokie.' Matt sang, clearly amused. 'See you guys later.'

'I'm really sorry, Nat.' Mariah said, looking positively guilty. She kind of looked how I felt.

'It's all good.' I smiled, reassuring her. 'See you guys tonight.'

It wasn't until they were all gone that I realized how fast my heart was beating. My chest was thundering and my stomach was swirling and it felt like an entire storm was occurring inside the small confines of my body.

And then I looked at David, still sound asleep on the bed, and what felt like lightening coursed through my entire being.

You're like a storm in a tea cup. David had once said. I don't think this was quite what he meant.

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