Chapter 7

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Cassi's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by the amazingly bright white light above me. I whimpered and turned my head in attempt to get away from it. I blinked a couple of times, trying to adjust my eyes to the surroundings. I was in a hospital room. Great. Sighing, I looked down. I was dressed in a green, paper, hospital gown. I could feel the fabric of the bed through the thin sheet. My arms were on full display in all of their scarred beauty. I cringed as I thought about it. My parents were nowhere to be seen. Huge shocker there. But the thing that actually confused me was the fact that there were actually people in my room. Sleeping in varied places around the room sat Frank, Mikey, Ray, and, strange enough, Gerard. I frantically tried to piece together what happened that landed me in this hell hole. I really, really, hate hospitals. I thought back to that morning. I know I was on the bus and had a little quarrel with some prick but beyond that I just couldn't seem to remember. And to be honest, it really angered me. It was like there was a lock on my mind that for the life of me I couldn't pick. It felt like I had first hand information that I was restricted to know about although it included me and my life. The more I thought about it, the more it angered me. I put more and more effort in this little mental game of mine until I felt like I was about to claw my eyes out. I groaned and forcefully threw my fist down onto the bed beside me. 

At that moment, Mikey started to stir. He blinked behind his glasses and looked towards me. His eyes widened as he realized that I was awake. "Cassi!" He exclaimed, rushing over to my side. I smiled and pat him on the head. He clung to my side like a little boy to his mother. "Oh my god I was so worried about you." He murmured to me. I frowned at his statement. 

"How dare you worry? For shame, Mikey. For shame." I said with a smile as I playfuly slapped the back of his head. 

"How could I not worry? I mean come on." He said. I shrugged before asking the question that had been gnawing on my mind.

"Hey, what happened?" His eyes widened and I noticed some tears brim his eyes. He looked at my bed sheet before glancing back up at me, all evidence of the tears gone. 

"I'm sorry," He started, but was interrupted by Gerard and his noisy awakening. 

"I really need coffee." He muttered even before his eyes were open. I giggled and his eyes snapped open as he heard my, honestly disgusting, laugh. His eyes widened as he swiftly stood up, walked towards me, and kissed me on the forehead, almost how a brother would. "Nice to see that you joined the world of the living again." He grinned as he pulled up a chair and grabbed my hand. Soon all of the guys were up and standing around me. Although they were my friends, a tense air settled on all of us. After I finally had all of their attention, I asked once again what happened. 

"Jason and his friends. That's what happened." Frank said through his teeth. I cocked my head to the side much like a dog. Ray clenched his fist as he explained in detail what happened from the moment I walked off to the bus until now. Apparently I was only out for about a day and had a mild concussion. I shrugged it off and slid down in my bed so Gerard could sit behind me and I could rest my head on his lap. Frankie managed to squeeze in next to me and messed with my hair while Ray took Gerard's former seat and Mikey pulled up a chair next to him. Finally, Ray asked the question I'd been dreading. 

"Why did you do this to yourself, Cass?" He asked, gesturing to my arms. I sighed and looked down in disgust at myself. I sighed before looking up at each of the boys faces. I smiled slightly.

"Because I deserve it." I said with a humorless laugh. I could tell that they were about to object to my statement so I held my hand up, stopping them. "Look, I assume you all pretty much know what goes on in my house." I said. They nodded, indicating for me to go on. "Well, you don't know why they do this to me." Gerard scoffed. 

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