Samuel Paterson

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New to Wattpad; I like both websites( but I just thought of writing here too.

Warnings ; Abuse, heavy alcoholic, boyXboy and foul language.

Hatting? Don't read it than. Thanks for reading~ Hope you all like.

Sam is 15 years old and Dean is 18


'I'm not something important at home. Just an object around the room that usually do nothing but slowly leave and return. Though; I am the only object that can leave, but still have to return. Problem one; I'm not an object, I was physically human. Second; I'm only a kid. And I've been thinking bad of myself for a very long time even until now.'

It was late at night. The apartment he lives in was poor. An eighty dollar two room apartment. A young brunette haired teenager was by a fired stove cooking himself canned food he bought just yesterday. Sadly; the food was not the problem. It was the time and day. Sam took a glance at his wrist watch that was obviously stolen for a purpose. There was no clocks in the apartment; the cheap watch was from a near by gas station which he never got caught stealing a few things from since middle school.

'Nine forty, I better finish dinner fast or I won't wake up in time for the first day...' He thought to himself. Turning his attention back to the boiling ravioli. He quickly lifted the pot up before it would over heat and splatter sauce on him. Pouring the whole meal into a plate, eating dinner standing up because the only furniture in the room he was in was the couch. But it reeks of spilled booze and cigarettes. He didn't want to smell like that in the morning. Quickly washing the dish, off with the lights and ran to the next room. he literately had to bump his hip into the door because it was tilted just an inch off balance of the broken hinge to the wall. Closing the door before locking; striped out of his clothes and into a pair of sweats and tang top; Sam forced himself to sleep. Either wise, if he was awake when 'He' comes home; he will only have it bad for the night.


Sam yawned when he woken up to the sound of his beeping wrist watch. Peaceful night. His eyes glancing at the nearly broken door. No looks of breaking and entering. Must mean that the man never came home last night. A sighed relief, the brunette sat up stretching, eyes on the wrist watch and clicking it off. Meaning six in the morning.

Before trying to stretch his arms out; he gave out a sudden hiss and rubbed his shoulder. Taking a look at it quickly, he sees the color of a light purple just sitting there nearly standing out. Worst enough to wake up with, bruises on his body.

He tried his best to just ignore his injuries by slipping out of his sleeping clothes and into a normal boys dress up; a plan gray shirt, blue jeans and a nice tanned jacket. Picking from aside his back pack which is full with nearly stolen supplies for school. He does feel bad for stealing these stuff; but he didn't want to cause attraction to teachers at school.

Budging the door open and closing, he traveled quick to the bathroom to brush his teeth, wash his face and brushed at his hair with his hands. His old man doesn't keep a lot of necessary things in the house for personal uses or such. He knew his hair would end up messy later in the day; but its not his fault he hasn't stolen a hair brush yet for himself. The teenager dashed for a pair of socks and jumped into his tennis shoes before bolting out of the hotel room. An old lady greeted Sam down the hall before he exit down the staircase. Rushing to the in coming bus stop across the street. The schools bus nearly left him before he raised his arms high enough for the driver to wait on him. Thank god it did when it halted.

The bus ride to school was always quiet. Now as a Freshman to the high school; the most requirements at school now was communicating with other people and have friends. Sam had friends; most likely girls who adore him since pre-school. Jessica left to an over seas boarding school, Ruby moved out of the state and Amelia the same way. Most guys were bullies to Sam, so he never agreed with guy friends even as he was now.

The high school was large and like all schools public. Everyone is "wanna be's" or "tries to be" a somebody. But everyone really tries too hard to prove that of their selves. Sam doesn't bother trying to be 'Anyone'. He was, after all. Just Samuel Paterson.


Hope you guys liked this first chapter~!

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