Stuck in a crappy room

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Hi and welcome back to another chapter.

Dunno whose all reading so just posting away.


"Samuel Paterson. I heard a lot about you from the middle school you came from?" The principle smiled brightly down at Sam, who just nodded his head.

Currently; the principle doesn't know what he goes through at home. He acts casual as he always does with a fake smile. Sitting in the chair of the principles office, large, white to gray colors and lots of drawers and tables here and there. Mrs. Jefferson was a nice woman when she talked to the teen about the classes and courses he would be going through, with a brightly smile, he only remained silent and allowed the adult to finish talking. Haven't spoken a word until she finished off allowing him to leave.

Sam haven't spoken a word. Name being called in every classes he would just raise his hand, nod his head and give a small smile. Not that he can't talk, he just doesn't. He raised his brow in Science class when a cherry blond girl who Sam never met before smiled at him. Strange girl.

"Hi! Samuel Paterson right? My name is Becky Rosen, just wanted you to know I am SO happy to meet you!" The teen male slouch away from the blond, she seemed to had been trying to get his attention since third hour. He thanked the gods bell rung on cue.

Though Gym class would had been the oddest of all times. Their coach had wanted everyone to immediately on the first day to get into their sports wear and sit in lines on the floor like they were still in middle school. Of course before Sam was in the gym room; he was in the locker room with other males changing out of their normal clothes and into easy sports wear. He avoid making eye contact with Freshman's being picked on, and he didn't want it to stand out either if someone saw him bare. His best opinion was the bathroom where he pulled off his jacket and carefully stretched his arms out to take off his shirt. The progress in doing that failed when his arm went too high up a jolted pain from his right elbow to shoulder. It felt forever to get out of his clothing, and looking at the bruises did not make him feel any better.

~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~

"Alright everyone. Shut up and listen up. You all will just call me 'Bobby' and deal with it. This is a mix class of all grades. Be nice with each other and don't cause fights because I will know!"

The gym teacher hollered at the group of teenagers. Sam just sighed hugging his knees together in his chest, he was currently sitting away from the large group before him. Wearing sweats and a long sleeved shirt to cover under the clothing his bruises. Taller teenagers, most likely males were chatting loudly to one another, group of girls in a large circle talking about girlish stuff. Just the way to keep them from staring at him.

Currently, he didn't know he was standing out very much because he was in a large space and the only Freshmen sitting on the ground for himself. He waited until the gym teacher Bobby finish bringing out some basketballs from a different room so he could play ball himself even though he wasn't into sports. Incite chatter was easily heard when someone pointed out he was the only freshman wearing sweat pants. Sam tilted his head aside to see who it was, a group of guys, and from the looks of it Juniors and Seniors.

He ignored their conversation and went along over to the cart of leather balls in a tight pile and dribbled it a couple of times as the gym was now getting a bit crowded with boys playing basketball or Frisbee. The girls were doing nothing but talking or walking around the gym room to seem busy. Sam found an empty basketball court with a single hoop to play for himself. Taking a short leap and thrown the ball in a certain throw, it bounced off the hoop. He frowned.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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