032921 12:18am

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i made it. i'm in the list of president and dean's listers this 1st semester. i don't know my gwa were able to reach the cut-off. i always knew i'll never be part of the list because of my poor performance. yes i admit that i do not do well in school. i attend school late and lazy, not participating and just do some requirements mindlessly. i already know that i am not going to make it on the list this semester. i'm just tired. also, i never heard my dad to actually say congratulations, only my mom. he is not that expressive but i know deep inside, he is happy for me. i wish everyone was.

i am unusually happy today. i went biking, inhaled some fresh air, and haa a normal, worry-less day. minus the fact that i woke up very tired because of unknown reason but it was satisfying. i wish every day is like this.

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