Zacks Home

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*Zack pov*
I walk in not saying a thing I look around no one's home V went over to the kitchen to get something to eat, I followed her to the kitchen "sooo what was with that look you gave Jackson when he said you guys were just friends??" V said "Nothing V, now hurry your ass up I'm hungry," I said trying to avoid talking about that "oh come on you know you like him," V says while looking at me like she knows something "Ok V shut the fuck up now" I just said she's used to me not wanting to talk to her about my private life, she looks at me kinda sad "you are just like mom and dad sometimes, not wanting to talk with me..." after she said that she just left the kitchen "Hey V come back," I said, I didn't run after her maybe I should have done that "now I feel bad" I mumbled to myself. I made some food for me and V when I was done I went over to her room and knocked on her door, no response I went in to see V sitting on her bed looking down at a book "hey..." I said while walking closer to her, she looked up at me and it was clear she had been crying "V..." I didn't know how to finish that sentence, I put the plates down on a table in V's room and went over to her and hugged her "I'm sorry V" she started crying again, V like never cries so something was up and I knew what it was. Our parents don't really care about us we can do almost anything, so we don't really get the parent's love and it has affected V very much, she sometimes doesn't even believe in love which just is... After hugging her for about 10 minutes I let go she looks up and me and smiles with tears still in her eyes "wanna eat? " I said while pointing at the food I made "sure," she said I grabbed her hand and smiled she smiled back and I let go, then we began to eat the food I had just made "you are a really good cook," she said with her mouth full of food "V don't talk while you have food in your mouth" I laughed and she quickly looked away cuz she was a bit embarrassed, then we both started laughing. After about an hour of me and V talking our parents came home and I went into my own room, V waved and went back to reading a book. When I was about to enter my room I noticed that it wasn't my mom and dad who came home it was just my mom and one of her coworkers, I slowly went back to V's room, when I entered her room she looked at me weird "what the fuck are you doing here?!" she whispered, "Mom is here with one of her coworkers you know what that fucking means!" I whispered back "SHIT!" V yelled as soon as she said that she quickly put both of her hands on her mouth "shut up V" I whisper yelled "sorry!" she whispered back "we gotta get the fuck out of here" I whispered while looking at her door "where?!" she said while opening her window "I don't know right now we just gotta leave" I said while hurrying on V to get out of the window when our mom brings men home it most of the time means they are gonna have "fun". "Dude it's fucking raining where are we gonna go?!" V says looking at me kinda worried "Yo dude I have an idea, you have Jackson's number right?" V says "Uhm yeah I do what do you-" V cuts me off "shut up and give me your phone" I give her my phone and she quickly opens it and calls someone "how the fuck do you know my password?" I look down at her confused "cuz you are really stupid now shut up," V says as the person she is calling picks up "hey can me and Zack come to your place we can't really be at ours right now," V says pretty quick, I can't hear what the other person says but it seems like they are okay with us staying there for a couple of hours. As we were walking over to the house I noticed some one well know standing outside waving like telling this was here we were supposed to go "Yo V that's my teacher" V looks up at me confused "so Jackson's dad is your teacher?" did she just say Jackson "wait did you call Jackson" V looks at me and gives me the are you stupid look "I- how stupid are you Z I literally asked you if you had Jackson's number!" oh yeah she did say that I just looked away and we reached the house "Welcome" Mister Johnson said to us, we went inside and Jackson came running down the stairs he looked conserned his mom was just sitting at a table looking at us while drinking coffee "hey are you guys okay?" Jackson asks "oh yeah our mother just took a man with her home, you know what gonna happen" I said not looking into Jackson's eyes "you kids can stay here the night if that's needed" Mister Johnson said I looked at Jackson who looked confused at his dad then he looked at me "so is your teacher also your dad?" V ask Jackson and he looks at her weird "step-dad" he said without breaking the eye contact "you kids can go to Jackson's room" Mister Johnson said smiling, first time I have ever seen him smile. Jackson walks up to his room and V and I just follow. He sits down on his bed and V sits on an office chair he has in his room I just sit next to him on his bed "so are you staying here or?" he asks now laying down looking at his ceiling, I look over at V who is just nodding "if you are okay with it" I reply "ok so you guys are staying" he replies now looking at me "okay" I said with an awkward smile...

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