Should I Be Here?

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Ethan found some clothing for me to wear "here you go" he smiled as he gave the clothing to me "thank you" I took the clothing but it was clear I was nervous, I started zoning out "what's wrong Jackson?" Olivia asked, no reply "hey!" Ethan said loudly "oh! I'm sorry... Uhm" I didn't know what to say, Ethan walked over to me and laid a hand on my shoulder "Are you okay?" he looked concerned "I'm fine, sorry for zoning out back there" Ethan started laughing "don't worry bout it" he laughed, I looked over at Olivia who was just looking at her brother and smiling. Ethan stopped laughing when there was a knock on his door "yeah?" He said, the door opened and Mason walked in and looked over at me, He slowly looked me up and down "so Jackson right-?" he asked "Yeah" I replied "okay uhm, just wanted to say, feel free to stay the night" Mason smirked "oh okay, thank you" I said. After he had said that he left the room "the others are leaving now" Mason yelled from the hallway, Olivia left out a sigh "finally" Ethan walked over and closed his door "I hate his friends so much" He said I just kept quiet "you should get changed Jackson, I'm gonna go outside again" Ethan grabbed a pack of cigarettes from the table in his room and went outside ''I'll leave so you can change'' Olivia said as she walked out the door ''you seriously need to stop smoking Ethan!'' Olivia yelled as she was walking down the hallway. I got changed and walked out in the hallway and down the stairs where I found Mason looking out of the window he's thinking about something, should I ask if he's ok? ''hey Mason'' he looked at me with a scared look like he forgot I was here ''are you ok?'' he didn't answer he just looked at me and played with a ring he had in his hand, none of us were talking just silence then Mason said something ''where did you come from?'' I look at him confused ''where did you come from when Olivia found you?'' I let out a sigh, again there were silence ''it's hard to explain'' I said ''come on man, I let you stay here you can at least tell me how you and my sister met'' I sat down on the sofa next to the window " well I kinda ran away and Oliver found me... Crying... On the side of the road.." I said quietly "why were you crying?" he let out a laugh, I didn't say anything just looked down at the floor, I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up "hey man, you don't need to tell me that part if you don't want to" he gave me a soft smile, I just nodded. The door opened and Ethan and Olivia came in Olivia was visibly upset over something, Mason stands up and walk over to his sibling "what's going on?" Olivia ran off to her room before she could explain "Ethan." Mason said if eyes could kill Ethan would have been dead right here I thought to myself "non of your god damn business. I'm leaving" Mason just stood still with his fist clutched while Ethan was leaving.

[ sorry that it took me this long to get a new chapter out, I just had zero motivation. But I have some ideas now so there might come a new chapter out soon, love you guys <3]

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