Back In Black

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Kylie fearfully stepped back, her hands and whole body trembling. She hadn't meant to hurt or even kill anyone, she was just awkward to this strange ability that wasn't truly hers.

The team staggered onto their feet. "What is that marking on your hand?" A woman dressed in red asked.

Kylie glanced at her trembling left wrist. Hydra. "I-I don't know." Kylie stuttered. A whole year of her life and she couldn't even remember it. Had she murdered people? Worked for and defended Hydra?

The blue shot up out of her hands yet again.

"Woah, woah, wait." The woman called once more. "We are here to help."

Kylie sent an uncontrolled blast hurling at the woman. "I-I" Kylie began, but was soon cut off, following a red blast from the lady. Kylie stumbled, but stood her ground. Her adrenaline raced through her body all at once, and with everything she had, Kylie launched a destructive blow right back at her.

The woman flew backwards, but swiftly caught herself. "What is your name?" She asked intrigued.

"Kylie Davis." she squeaked.

"Wanda." The woman said as she extended her hand. "That's Steve, Tony, Bruce, Clint, Natasha, and Peter."

Kylie shook her hand timidly.

"I was like you." Wanda comforted. "I was an experiment for Hydra."

"But I don't know what I am." Kylie choked, almost in tears.

"I can help you remember." Wanda whispered as she sent red waves dancing from her fingers, and into Kylie's sharp, cold, eyes.

It all flashed before her. Being drug out of the mangled car. The lab tests. Mission reports. Pain. Fear. Guilt.

Kylie's eyes snapped open, now panting heavy. She knew the truth now. Who she had been. "I....." she trailed off. "Was an assassin for Hydra." She called quietly in front of the whole team. "But I don't remember doing any of it."

"Well, your abilities are quite astounding, and adding a member to the squad wouldn't be the worst thing ever." Tony thought aloud. "Are you interested in the Avengers Initiative?"

"Really?" Kylie nervously croaked.

"Sure." Natasha added. "But what would they call you?"

Kylie recalled her mother's favorite color being black. Many people thought of it to be a dark, eerie, lonely color. But her mom pictured it as sharp, bold, and brave. Everything she told Kylie to be. And now more than ever, she knew she had to be bold and courageous.

"Shadow." She confidently replied.

"Welcome to the Avengers Shadow." Tony called with a smile.

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