Chapter 2

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Cecilia POV
" Un-cuff me right now Johnny!" it came it a lot weaker than i meant it. He made this unnatural, rough laughing sound in the back of his throat.
" Hate to break it to you doll, but your in no position to make demands."
" Why are you doing this?"
" You aren't the brightest are you? I told you already it's your punishment for your infidelity."

He climbs on top of leaving bruises on my waist where he puts his hands. He stared at me with a completely evil look in his eyes. This isn't the same Johnny i once knew. Something happened to him and i want to know what.

He starts groping my breasts and sliding his other hand up my leg. My breathing quickens in fear but he pays no mind.
"J-Johnny please stop, i'm sorry ok? i'm sorry for sleeping with your brother but please don't do this to me." Hot tears were running down my face at an alarming rate. He wasn't stopping or answering me.
His hands traveled to my inner thighs where they were they ran over something i didn't want them too.
" I don't care what you want slut, i'm in control now."

Lucifer POV
I have been having a headache for 20 minutes straight and i have no idea where it's coming from. I'm guessing the pain is from the voices that keep sounding in my head. It's some girl pleading with a male for something but i can't hear all of the conversation. Just bits and pieces.
I can hear the girl crying now, the irony is it's such a beautiful sounding cry but also full of pain. Johnny please stop, i'm sorry ok? It cut out again. I am about to go up to the surface again just so this blasted headache will stop. I'm in control now. That voice was distinctly male. I am beginning to worry for the girl.
That's it, i can't take it anymore.
"Europidies!" i yelled for my servant
" Yes master?"
"Get my chariot ready for a second time today please."
" Yes your majesty,"

Cecilia POV
I blacked out about half way through from the pain. It wasn't just rape, he was torturing me. I have many scars across my body from his knife and bruises in places i didnt think you could get bruises on. I just woke up with a splitting headache. Johnny was nowhere to be found. He probably took off after he finished. Before i could stop them, hot tears ran down my face. It wasn't my first time, obviously he had done this before, but it didn't get any easier to handle.

Lucifer POV
She's crying, i thought to myself. I can hear her still. I transport myself up to her floor and put my ear against the door. For some unknown reason my blood boils when i hear her sweet sobs, what's wrong with me? I listen a while further.

Cecilia POV
"Cmon Cecilia, pull yourself together." I get up limping but at least i can still walk this time. I trudge over to the shower and hop in -painfully slow- i might add. I let the hot water run all over my body. I have this weird feeling that someone or something is listening to me but i brush it off as nerve. I start crying again, whats wrong with me? My sobs get louder until i'm pretty sure my whole floor can hear me. I stepped out and looked up in the mirror. Gasping in horror i examined my face was worse than i thought. I had a deep cut running down the side of my face and my lip was cut in a few places. i try to clean my face to the best i can ( though it still didn't look good). I needed to vent so i was about to go over to my therapist. Yeah yeah i know what your thinking- She needs a therapist? How messed up is she? It's not like that ok? I got dressed and put a hood over my face to hide the damage. I grabbed my keys and opened my door
  " What the fu-"

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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