Part 9

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One night while everyone was sleeping the door to the twins room opened then in steps...Hayley. She had left because she couldn't bear to see her child die but once she had learned that Blue had come back as an infant she decided to take Blue from Klaus and Elijah and bring her to the silvercity. Before Hayley takes Blue she decides to go over to her sleeping son who she thought at least deserved a goodbye so she kisses his head and starts to silently cry as she whispers
"I'm sorry but this is for the best Blue belongs with me in the silver city I'm sorry, but I can't take you with me maybe one day you will be reunited but for now Blue must come with me"
She walks over to the crib and looks down at her sleeping baby girl and softly runs her fingers down the side of her face then carefully picks up her sleeping daughter and whispers her last goodbye to her son.
"goodbye my little warrior you will forever be in my heart i love you"
She walks out the door with her daughter in her arms.

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