little bee

637 14 5

tw - swearing and crying

swearing- minimal


Tubbo sat on Tommy's bench, missing his best friend. He wondered if exiling him was the right decision, but it was too late now. He rubbed circles into the palm of his hand, comforting himself. The cool autumn breeze blew his hair into his eyes, making the boy smile and fix it. He continued to sightsee for a while, until he grew restless and bored.

He sighed and went to go see Quackity and Ghostschlatt, ones who were always careful and gentle with him when they tried to be. He was on the way when he saw Philza. The two locked eyes, Tubbo smiling at the older male as he walked up to him.

"Hi Phil! How have things been?" The younger asked, receiving a glare in return before Phil spoke in his slightly heavy accent.

"Been better, President." The last word sounded like a growl, he was definitely angry. Tubbo started shaky gently.

"Is e-everything okay?" he squeaked out, looking fearfully into Phil's eyes.

"Is everything okay? How dare you ask me that. You exiled my son! What did he do to you? Absolutely nothing! If I were president...I would do much more than exile you, you fucking scum." He turned around and walked away as Tubbo froze. Did he just call him scum..? That was low, especially for Phil. Tubbo immediately started crying, running to go see Quackity and Schlatt. They would help.

He finally made it to them, knocking on the door of the house. Quackity opened the door, immediately noticing the tear stains on the little boy's cheeks.

"Tubbo? Honey, what happened?" He asked worriedly, ushering the boy inside.

"P-phil got mad a-at me cuz' of Tommy..C-cursed and called me bad names.." Tubbo choked out, hyperventilating as Schlatt came into the room, hearing everything.

"Oh that motherf-" he started saying before getting shushed by Big Q. He grumbled quietly and left to go talk to Phil.

Quackity talked softly to the boy, "Tubs, how about we get you into something more comfy, hmm?" He smiled gently, getting a small nod in response. He dressed the younger in a pair of green footie pajamas and set him on the couch.

Tubbo felt his head getting fuzzier, a sign that he was slipping. He started sucking his thumb, everything starting to feel bigger. He felt very small, as if he was the tiniest thing in the world. Quackity smiled, opening a small pink box and replacing the boy's thumb with a plain green pacifier with a small bee keychain hanging off of it. The smaller boy clapped and smiled at his caregiver, giggling cutely. He childishly started playing with his hands, humming a small song as Quackity watched him.

"How about a movie, little bee?" Tubbo nodded happily and they turned on Wall-e, one of the boy's favorites. The two watched the movie together, Tubbo starting to fall asleep mid-way through. Big Q smiled and put a blanket over the boy, eventually falling asleep as well.


508 words!

Im so happy (breakdances cutely)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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