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And the award for 'taking the longest to write a chapter and stop procrastinating' goes It goes to me, but since you are reading this that means I stopped watching movies and crying over fictional characters long enough to write and post the first chapter to this series, so yay me I guess. Any who here it finally is and please go ahead and leave requests, suggestions, or a sarcastic comment for me to appreciate later. Alright here we go.

Story: It Started With Detention
Description: based off of characters from Young Justice, characters that I do not own because if i did Wally would be alive and well I'd change a lot

Warnings: Cursing, Minor references to alcohol, past abuse, and past death (As of right now I don't plan to make it angsty and dark, but the warning is there for any triggers).

High school. The four years of absolute hell that children look forward to because of the false images movies give them. You walk through the doors expecting fun drama, friends, lovers, adventures, cliches and for the basketball team captain to break into song for the schools "genius girl".

Some people have the boring high school, they stay focused on their future. Other's believe they truly thrive in high school. They believe all the bad choices are temporary as are the consequences. You can find them in therapy, rehab or your local McDonald's.

Some people simply watch. They observe as their classmates make stupid decisions and play out their schemes and drama.
Another lie? Detention. Pity goes to the soul who walks into detention thinking they're gonna be walking out an hour later with 4 new best friends, pumping your fist to a Simple Mind's song because you got the girl.

So yeah cliche may be cliche, but its also iconic and hilarious and if you say other wise than well, hows being a hypocrite going? Lets be honest here you're either in your bed with your LED lights on or your thinking about why you don't have LED lights and how you really don't want them(when come on, at least a little part of you does).

So like any other high school story its gonna be cliche, but what good story exists that does not worship other stories already told?

The hall way is busy, filled with chattering students, quiet kids trying to get to class and jocks laughing obnoxiously. Okay fine, that's a little too cliche. But the gist is that there's different kids with different agendas on a school day morning.
Walking down the school hall way, he dodges sharp elbows and dramatic gossip with a fast pace. He arrives at his locker and proceeds to open it. He fumbles, switching the lock side to side, with the number combo he's chanted in his head at least a million times.

"Do you need help?" asks a gruff voice. He turns to see a classmate, around his age, looking at him excitingly with their open locker. His locker neighbor looks blank with black hair and blue eyes and a permanent scowl.

He nods and his eye brows furrow, "Yes please, I swear I know how to work a lock but these seem more....stubborn than others" he words out.

He shuffles to let the other boy move to his locker, in which the boy asks for his combination and he tells with out a second of hesitation.

The boy opens his locker turning around with a small smile he could give, "It's not you, it's just another great advantage of public schools budget cuts"

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