+ rain

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✦ ❝ Rain ❞ ✦

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I make my way towards my car as I felt light drips fall from the sky I look up to see grey clouds I quickly grab my side bag and rush into the cafe I go over towards a table and sat down as I wait for Lauren to arrive

Soon after a see a blond girl opening up the  Cafe as her eyes met my a whole new mood came across her face she ran up the and tightly squeezed me into a hug

Lauren: Annie Annie Annie it's been soooooo long
Annie: ikr come on sit down tell me abt everything that's going on
Lauren: well nothing much

I notice her frowning

Annie: hey what's up..? I see that frown and don't u dare tell me it's nothing
Lauren: well after Ellie and John broke up ... johns head has been all over the place him saying he wants to quit music to staying in his room all day not eating nothing it's getting me and everyone at home worried
Annie: omg I'm so sorry to hear that
Lauren: it's alright Anyways what's happening with u hey
Annie: welll taking a break from William has helped a lot u know I put out new music finally finished my  Netflix show everything's going smooth
Lauren: yeh now Noah can stay with me all day now that u guys finished y'all's Netflix show
Annie: yeh speaking of Noah hmmmm

I say teasingly witnessing her cheeks burn red

Annie: oh gosh Lauren ur blushing rlly hard it looks like ur abt to explode
Lauren: oh shut up

She said throwing a napkin at me a waitress came towards us and asked us what We want we ordered and chat

Lauren: and if u think I'm gonna let u drive out in that rainy weather u r thinking  the opposite
Annie: what do u?
Lauren: I am not letting u drive back to la that's like 6 hours Annie and in this weather hell no I talked with ur mum she said u can stay with us for a few days
Annie: Lauren!-
Lauren: what look outside u rlly think u can drive on the high way in that weather anywyas maybe u can help me with John hey
Annie: Lauren I haven't talked to John in a while I don't even have his number or snap wth do u think is gonna make him talk to me
Lauren: he listens to ur music when it came out it apparently makes him feel better and less stressed I've been hearing it from his room being played at 3 am like litterally
Annie: so what u want me to sing him a lullaby  Lauren no offence or anything but the guys 19 I am not-
Lauren: pls hes been trapped in his room and hasn't been eating anything for a month now just pls
Annie: fine I'll try but I'm not making any promises

Me and Lauren left the store and ran into our cars this is gonna be a very long week I follow behind Lauren's car who was guiding me towards her house the weather got heavier by the second we finally got to her house and ran towards the front door dragging my suitcase with me

Once Lauren opened the door we was bought to warmth (did that make sense no oh ok) we walk in to see all the dogs goin crazy once they saw me we calmed them down the time only being 5pm we walk into the kitchen to smell this amzing smell

Annie:ooo smells lovely in here

I say teasingly as I saw mer her smile grew brighter as she saw me

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