+ the job

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✦ ❝ The job ❞ ✦

As I hear my alarm clock go off I get out of bed to hear my mother coughing I sigh my mother has been rlly sick and with us not having much money bc my father got an divorce and moved away and took most of our money out of our bank account

we cant do anything abt it the cost of the treatment is over 10 grand I'm like an nerd at school...I sadly get bullied bc I'm at an very expensive school where all rich kids go I got in their bc I'm very smart but I get bullied for being poor and yes...I'm still a virgin that's why I also get bullied I walk over to my closet to change

 As I get my backpack and walk out of my room I hear my mother sneeze once again I walk over to her bedroom and Neil down to her height

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As I get my backpack and walk out of my room I hear my mother sneeze once again I walk over to her bedroom and Neil down to her height

"I'm sorry mama I swear I'll be starting my new job today and I'll be earning a lot I promise" I say as her eyes shut I kiss her forehead and leave the house...sadly I have to enter hell ...ugh

U must be confused when I said I'll be starting my new job well no it's not a Starbucks or target job...it's totally different but I'll be earning so much double even triple more den I would from both jobs combined I'll tell u later what I'm doing ...

As I was into the school halls with my head down I'm a "nobody" but at the same time a "somebody" bc I sadly get the attention of Johnny Orlando the spoilt rich kid he always bully's me calling me mean names

As I walk over to my loser I open it to revel a note comming out I pick up the note and it read

"Ur a loser a nobody virgin"

As I read those words I hear snickering comming from behind me "oh hello lebitch" I hear I sigh closing my eyes knowing who it was "what do u want Johnny"

"Oh so she speaks" he says as his minions Carson and Hayden laugh "no seriously what do u want" I say as I regret what I just said I could see the anger building up in his

"What tf did u just say" he says as he comes closer towards me "n-nothing forget abt it" I say as I hope he leaves

"Yeh TAHTS what I fault come on boys let's levae the pathetic little girl" he says as he looks me and down in disgust and walks away I sigh that was a close one I turn back around to my locker

"This is gonna be a long Friday" I mutter under neither my breath

As I get off the bus and walk towards the alley way I see jaden yes ...jaden hossler he has given me a job I earn €400 from yes...I have to have a convocation with a boy and then we have to meet up and do the dirty...yes sex I come to jaden to get this mysterious boys number

"Right Annie here's his number his names jo" jaden says as I give him my phone to type in the number "jo?" "Oh initials don't worry all I put in for u was jgl" "ok great" "he will be giving ur money in the money once u guys r done alright" "right ok thx" "np also here's ur outfit for tonight mads actually chose it for u"

"Thanks" I say as I walk away with the bag I know mads she used to be my friend from my old town before I moved here I still kept in touch she was actually the one who suggested jaden

As I got onto my phone and received a text from jo

Jo: so hey I'm jo

Jgl:hey I'm jgl

(After a bit of talking bc ur bitch is lazy love u to xx)

Jgl:so when we meeting up

Jo:tonight I got a hotel room at (some random hotel idk)

Jgl: room number

Jo:A 5 top floor u know gotta get the best view while we have fun 😉😏

Jgl: right ok see ya soon

I say as I go into my bathroom and changed into the outfit jaden given same hair and makeup and outfit and bag »

It was a little out of my Comfort zone even if I move a little it shows my boob I look out of my room to see if my mum was their and luckily she wasn't I sneak my way out of the house into the taxi

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It was a little out of my Comfort zone even if I move a little it shows my boob I look out of my room to see if my mum was their and luckily she wasn't I sneak my way out of the house into the taxi

As I got to the hotel I make my way to top floor I look out of the see threw elevator wow this hotel is expensive he must be rich as I made it outside the hotel room I knock lightly


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