Chapter 9

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After 5 minutes he starts to wake up. "

who's the sleepy head now?" I say giggling. I go to get up but he still holds on.

"I want more cuddles" He says.

"We can cuddle more later" I say getting up.

"Ok" he says

We all decide to hang out for a bit longer. Tommy has to leave tomarrow so we all say bye to him before he goes back to his hotel. After that it's just me, fundy, niki, and wil.

"Hey why dont we go to a pub?" Fundy says.

"I like the sound of that" I say smiling.

We all decide to go to a pub near my apartment.

"Trust me you guys will love this pub, its the best!" I say.

"I think if we all plan on drinking we should get an uber" Wilbur says.

"Yeah" Niki says.

Me and wilbur end up riding in one uber while Niki and fundy went in another. Finally we arrive at the bar.

"Can I get four shots of bourbon" I ask the bartender.

Soon enough we all take a shot, and then another and another. After four shots, and a couple beers we are all tipsy so we decide to all crash at my place sine it was closest. Fundy takes the couch, while niki sleeps in my guest room. Me and wilbur sleep in my bed. I wake up feeling hung over. I was the first one up so i decided to quick throw on some clothes and get us breakfast. I come back to my apartment with coffee for everyone except wil.

He's sensitive to caffiene. By the time Im back everyone had just woken up. I walk into my room to see wil awake on his phone.

"I went out and got breakfast for everyone" I say.

"Oh thanks" He says.

I walk out of my room and go to niki. Shes been awake for a bit.

"Hey when is your flight back?" I ask. "It's at four" She says.

Next I have to see when fundy's is.

"Mines at three" He says.

"Well then we should probably eat and then drive you guys to the hotel" Wilbur says.

We all eat breakfast together and get in my car. I decide to drive while we all talk. We finally get to the hotel, me and wilbur wait in the car while they go in and pack up their things.

"So what do you want to do today after we drop them off" I ask him.

"Cuddle" He responds.

Damn hes so adorable.

"Ok but I also need to go to the store." I say.

"As long as we cuddle at some point" He says smiling.

Physical affection was definetley his love language. After about fifteen minutes fundy and niki come back down to the car. I get there bags and everything in the car. Finally we arrived at the airport around one. Fundy stayed there sine he only had two hours. Niki stayed to.

"Are you sure your ok for us to leave?" I ask her.

"Yeah, Ill really miss you guys though." she says frowning a bit.

"Hey there will be more trips and hang out sessions in the future ok?" I say hugging her.

"Yeah I know" She says sniffling a bit.

We all say our final goodbyes and leave. We make our way to the store before we go back to my place. I pick up some coffee obviously, and some new makeup stuff, and all around essentails i needed for my apartment. Finally we get to my apartment and cuddle on the couch while watching a movie. After the movies finishes I look up at wilbur.

" I have to talk to you" I say.

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