XLVII. I Want Daddy

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Piper's POV:

There is no time to lose.

I need to get a job.

My fingers furiously typed on the keyboards to fill in any application I can find. I don't care where it is or what position, as long as they hire me.

After I completed the unemployment application, my supervisor approved it immediately, and I got accepted. Even though I have six months to get a new job, I won't sit around and allow this weakness to be brought up in court.

I still cannot believe he had the right to fight me for my children.

The man never even met Crystal and Dustin.

I could feel a slight tug on my shirt, and when I look down, Crystal had her fist pin at me. "Partners in crime," she hisses. She likes to remind me that I'm unemployed, just like how she was kicked out of school. They're not the same thing, but I'm too tired to explain it to her.

I bump her fist.

She gave me a large grin.

"Don't you have school to attend?"

Crystal's smile drops, "The teacher gave me a five minutes break." Jackson found a licensed teacher who used to be Abby's tutor for Crystal, but she's from the East Coast. So, they're doing online classes.

"How's it going?"

"She said I'm intelligent." Crystal stuck her nose in the air.

I punch her nose, "Yes. The smartest. The sassiest."

"The cutest." She presents her face with her hands, "Right, Jackson?" She turns her head to the man across from me.

Jackson looks up from his laptop and smiles, "Definitely." I'm not even sure if he heard what Crystal says. Usually, he agrees with whatever she asks.

Crystal snickers, "You look like a nerd." She climbed up a chair and poked Jackson's glasses, "Nerd."

"Crystal. What did I say about teasing Jackson about his glasses?"

Crystal tightens her lips, "Sorry." She got off the chair, "I got class! Lecture me later!" She made her escape.

I turn my attention back towards Jackson.

"What?" He asks.

"Nothing. Nothing." I look at the screen in front of me, "Nerd."

"I heard that." We turn our sight to see Crystal's head popping out from the door. She rushes towards the table and grabs the pencil. When she looks at Jackson, she snickers and whispers: "Four eyes." Then, she made her quick escape.

Jackson takes off his glasses, "You ask me why I don't wear my glasses, and this is why."

A few days, I saw Jackson's glasses and asked him why he doesn't wear them when he's far-sighted. He didn't respond and only shrugged. Now that he wears them, all Crystal and I do is make fun of him. We should stop.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I know there's a smile on my face, "We'll try our best to stop calling you nerd, four eyes, poindexter, Harry Potter, glass clown, window face-"

"You enjoy this a bit too much."


Dustin walks towards Jackson and tugs against his pants, "Up!"

Jackson lifts him onto his lap, "What's up, little dude?"

Dustin grabs Jackson's glasses and puts them on. I held a hand over my mouth to hold back the laughter that desperately wants to erupt. He looks way too cute in glasses! We watch as he stands between Jackson's legs and starts typing on the laptop. Immediately, Jackson lifts him, "Woah. Woah. Woah! I appreciate the help, but I don't think the other company will like it very much."

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