44; A Valentines Date 1

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Thursday was a day etched in our memory, a day that began long before the sun rose. The halls of the school were quiet, save for the shuffle of our footsteps and the soft rustle of our preparations. We had been there since 5 AM, dedicated to making the upcoming program a success, pouring our hearts and souls into every detail.

As the morning wore on and the hours stretched, fatigue began to gnaw at us. Yukun, always attuned to the needs of those around him, noticed my hunger before I even voiced it. "Let's have a snack," he whispered, placing a jar before me. Setting down the scissors I had been wielding, I met his gaze.

"Sure, just the two of us?" I inquired, a hint of surprise in my voice.

He nodded, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, they're all busy. It's our moment to steal away."

"I'll take care of ordering," I offered, but he insisted, urging me to stay put while he took charge at the counter.

"What did you get?" I asked upon his return, curiosity coloring my words.

"Something I know you'll love," he replied with a grin, and my heart warmed at his thoughtfulness. Moments later, our snacks arrived: fries and milk tea, a simple yet comforting combination that spoke volumes.

We savored each bite, the camaraderie between us palpable. But our solitude was short-lived as Hang joined us, teasing Yukun for not informing the others of our impromptu snack break. Yuhan followed suit, playfully chiding Yukun while shooting me a knowing glance.

As the last of our snacks disappeared and we made our way back to our duties, I couldn't shake the feeling of contentment that lingered in the air. In the midst of chaos, we had found a moment of peace, a reminder of the bonds that held us together.


The sun hung low in the sky, casting a golden hue over the campus as conversations floated on the gentle breeze. Tianrun's playful suggestion of a date echoed in my mind, "You should go get yourself a date."

Though I brushed it off with a scoff. "Date, nah, not for me,"

I dismissed, swatting away Enzai's teasing push. Their laughter trailed after me as I wandered the campus grounds, the vastness of the university feeling daunting. How could I possibly find someone who matched me in this sea of students?

Then, amidst the hustle and bustle, she appeared like a beacon in the crowd. Tall and graceful, with hair that cascaded down her back and a smile that could light up the darkest of days. I couldn't tear my gaze away.

Summoning what little courage I had, I approached her, only to freeze in my tracks as her friends erupted into squeals. Embarrassment flooded my cheeks, but her presence was too captivating to ignore.

"Hey," I managed, though it sounded feeble against the backdrop of their excitement.

Her response was hesitant, lips pressed together in uncertainty. "Uhm..."

Heart pounding, I stumbled over my words, stumbling into an awkward introduction. But as I extended my hand, she accepted it, her name tumbling from her lips like a melody. "Hi, can you be my date?"

"Wait what, I mean, of course. My name is Lian."

"It suits you well," I blurted out, my mouth moving faster than my brain.

Fan Series #1; Choosing HerWhere stories live. Discover now